9. Description of the OSD menu
a) "AE" (automatic exposure) submenu
In this menu, you can adjust the exposure depending on the ambient brightness and the ambient
conditions at the site the surveillance camera is installed. Several modes are available to ensure
that an optimal picture can be obtained even when there is backlighting.
"BRIGHTNESS": Adjusts the image brightness
"EXPOSURE MODE": Select exposure mode (the following are available: "GLOBE" = automatic
setting, "CENTRE" = exposure calculated based on the brightness in the centre of the picture,
"BLC" = manual setting if there is backlighting, "FLC" = manual setting if there is upward lighting)
"GAIN": Gain factor for the exposure
"RETURN" = exit submenu and return to the previous menu
b) "WB" (white balance) submenu
Here you can select automatic or manual white balance.
"ATW": Automatic white balance
"MWB": Manual white balance (in "RGAIN" the red component can be adjusted and in "BGAIN"
the blue)
"RETURN" = exit submenu and return to the previous menu
c) "DAY-NIGHT" (colour mode) submenu
Usually the surveillance camera automatically switches from a colour display during the day
to a black and white image at night. However this automatic switching can be turned off in this
"EXT" or "AUTO": Automatic switching based on the ambient light level
"COLOR": Colour display
With this setting, the IR filter stays activated at night; the IR light from the built-in LED
cannot be used for technological reasons.
"B/W": Black/white setting
With this setting, the IR filter stays deactivated during the day. This can result in a
washed-out image.
"RETURN" = exit submenu and return to the previous menu