Inverted flight in practice
Before you make first aerobatics attempts with your model helicopter, we recommend checking and setting the values
for the angle of attack suggested in the table.
Completely charge the flight battery and let your helicopter take off to a minimum flying altitude. The altitude should be
high enough to allow you to safely pull the helicopter out of a dive. It should not be too high as this would make it hard
to determine the flight attitude.
Switch the inverted flight toggle switch and first test how your helicopter behaves in normal flying position. The model
will respond more sensitively due to the higher rotor head speed. Once you have become familiar with the changed
flying characteristics, you can make a half roll or a half loop to bring the helicopter into the inverted flying position.
The helicopter can be kept hovering upside down by carefully pulling back the control stick for the pitch function.
Even if the tip of the helicopter is pointing towards you, the nick and pitch functions will respond opposite
to the usual direction. Depending on the current flying attitude, the model's responses to the corresponding
remote control commands change.
These constantly changing response directions make aerobatics with a model helicopter so difficult, but
also so fascinating.