Never immerse in disinfectant solu-
Not suitable for ultrasonic bath.
Transport and storage condi-
Temperature between -40°C (-40°F)
and 70°C (158°F), relative humidity
between 10% and 100%, atmospheric
pressure 50 kPa to 106 kPa (7.3 to
15.3 psi).
The technical specifications, illustra-
tions and dimensions contained in
these instructions are given only as a
guide. They may not be the subject of
any claim. The manufacturer re-
serves the right to make technical
improvements to its equipment,
without amending these instruc-
tions. For all additional information,
please contact Bien-Air Dental SA at
the address indicated on the back
Other precautions for use
The device must be used by a quali-
fied person in accordance with the
current legal provisions concerning
industrial safety, health and accident
prevention measures, and these
working instructions. In accordance
with these requirements, the opera-
• must only use operating devices
that are in perfect working order;
in the event of irregular function-
ing, excessive vibration, abnor-
mal heating or other signs indi-
cating malfunction of the device,
the work must be stopped imme-
diately; in this case, contact a
repair centre that is approved by
Bien-Air Dental;
• must ensure that the device is
used only for the purpose for
which it is intended, must protect
themselves, their patients and
third parties from any danger,
and must avoid contamination
through the use of the product.
The device is intended for medical
treatment only; any use other than
that for which this product is intend-
ed is unauthorised and may be dan-
gerous. The medical device meets all
the current legal requirements.
The device is not authorised for use
in an explosive atmosphere (anaes-
thetic gas).
It is essential to use dry, purified
compressed air in order to en-
sure the long working life of the
device. Maintain the quality of
the air and the water by regular
maintenance of the compressor
and the filtration systems. The
use of unfiltered hard water will
lead to early blockage of the
tubes, connectors and spray
Rest the device on a suitable support
to avoid risks of infection for your-
self, the patient or third parties.
Only use maintenance products and
components from Bien-Air Dental.
The use of other products and com-
ponents can void the guarantee.
Terms of guarantee
Bien-Air Dental grants the operator a
guarantee covering all functional
defects, material or production
faults. The device is covered by this
guarantee for 12 months from the
date of invoicing.
Bien-Air Dental offers a 24-month
guarantee for the glass-bar light
In the event of justified claim, Bien-
Air Dental or its authorised represen-
tative will fulfil the company's obli-
gations under this guarantee by re-
pairing or replacing the product free
of charge. Any other claims, of what-
ever nature, in particular in the form
of a claim for damages and interest,
are excluded.
Bien-Air Dental shall not be held re-
sponsible for damage or injury and
the consequences thereof, resulting
• excessive wear and tear
• improper use