3. Loosen ring (1) from cup (5). Remove ring (1) and cover
(2) from cup. Verify cup inlet remains in cup upon removal
of cover and ring.
4. Return excess fluid to original container. Hold the cup
inlet (4) in place when pouring.
5. It is recommended to dispose of the used cup inlets
(4) and install a new one. If reusing, clean by wiping all
excess fluid from cup inlet (4).
Original instruction
Dispose of cup inlet, cleaning materials, and unused fluid
according to local regulations. Refer to Safety Data Sheet
(SDS) of fluids used.
6. Wipe excess fluid from cover (2) and ring (1) of Cup-
Fill the cup inlet (4) approximately half-full with cleaning
fluid (warm water or appropriate solvent).
8. Remove and clean material strainer (3) by flushing
with cleaning fluid. Re-install material strainer (3).
9. Install cover (2) and ring (1) onto cup (5).