ENS 3000 IO-Link
Before commissioning, select the type of fluid (default settings: Oil), procedure see
chap. 11.2.
Method of determining the offset value:
We suggest the following procedure for determining the value of the fluid level offset:
Installation resp. mounting of ENS 3000 inside the tank
Check: is the display flashing or does it show a value greater than zero.
If the display is flashing, the level lies outside the active measuring range (level too
high, resp. level too low).
If the system reports low level, the level will gradually be filled up by a fluid until 0 is
displayed. Then, the ENS 3000 is removed from the tank and the fluid level inside
the tank is determined by a measuring unit. Depending on the model, this value is
displayed in the menu
If the display shows value > 0 or if high level is reported, the level is gradually
reduced by draining the fluid until the value 0 appears in the display. After removing
the ENS 3000 from the tank the procedure is as described above.
• Low fluid level : top up the fluid until a valid measurement is detected.
• High fluid level : drain the fluid until a valid measurement is detected.
• If the actual fluid level exceeds the upper limit of the unit's nominal range, it can
no longer be displayed and the display starts to flash.
The values of the switching outputs and analogue outputs are maintained. The
measured peak fluid level or the measured peak fluid level plus the pre-set
offset is shown in the display.
• If, after a voltage breakdown, the display shows "..........." (flashing centre
LEDs), it should be checked whether the tank level is too high or too low. The
analogue output provides 4 mA resp. 0 V depending on the setting of the
analogue input.
• If the actual fluid level falls below the lower limit of the unit's nominal range, it
can no longer be measured and the display will start to flash.
The values of the switching outputs and analogue outputs are maintained. In
the display, 0.0 resp. the set offset appears.
Version 2014/12/11
in "cm" or "inch" after having been determined.
page 10
Part No. 669898