Teach-in troubleshooting
If it was not possible to complete the teach-in procedure without errors, the
following troubleshooting steps may remedy the problem.
Ailerons are not recognized: Insufficient rudder deflections, possibly due to in-
tense differentiation. Eliminate differentiation and teach in again.
Ailerons and rudders are recognized together: Switch off, e.g., the Com-
bi-Switch for teach-in.
General problems with channel recognition: Make sure that all the controllers
and flaps are in the neutral position at the controller before switching on the
WINGSTABI power supply. Make sure that all the servos travel a sufficient dis-
tance to be recognized. Deactivate all the mixers that are associated with the
aileron, rudder, and elevator. Restart the teach-in procedure.
Flight mode
The sensitivity of the control can be set using the slider/rotary knob. In addition,
it is possible to toggle between damping and heading hold mode. The gyro
is inactive in the middle section of the slider (1500µs, servo middle position).
Sensitivity increases the closer you get to the controller end positions. Switching
takes place between phase 1 (damping) and phase 2 (heading hold) by moving
the controller in the opposite direction.
During the first flight
Please proceed as follows for your first flight:
Before flying, check the gyro effect and the direction on all axes. Please also
check the correct functioning of the sensitivity channel.
Start with inactive gyro (LED: Orange)
Now slowly move the sensitivity channel from 1500us in the direction of
damping or heading hold until the desired gyro effect is achieved. ATTENTION:
In case of overshooting, reduce the sensitivity again.
You can use any mixer in the transmitter, but remember rudder that elevator or
aileron trimming is not permitted in heading hold mode. Pitch trim compensation
for throttle, flaps, spoiler, and butterfly can only be used when switched off and
in damping mode. If necessary, combine the sensitivity controller and the flight
phase controller at the transmitter.