Teach-in procedure in a V-tail airplane
To teach in a V-tail airplane, set the elevator mixer input to 100% in order to
achieve the maximum distances. After the teach-in procedure, reset the elevator
mixer input to the actually desired previous value.
Teach-in procedure in a Delta airplane
To teach in an airplane with Delta mixer, set the elevator mixer input to 100%
in order to achieve the maximum distances. After the teach-in procedure, reset
the elevator mixer input to the actually desired previous value.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure the motor cannot start up! Use the
receiver battery or disconnect a line of the BL motor from the con-
Insert the jumper and start WINGSTABI EASY Control
Step 1. Automatic protocol or RC signal recognition
Step 2. Teach in RC channel for sensitivity
Move the sensitivity controller (e.g. slider, rotary knob or three-stage switch)
from one end stop to the other.
Only one servo channel should change!
If teaching in of the sensitivity controller is not possible, WINGSTABI switches
to remote control setup mode (exits the further setup process). This is
indicated by the red LED flashing three times. All the control signals are now
transferred to the servos unaltered. This allows you to set up the model basic
setup at the transmitter (assignments, servo directions, and travel).
LED indicators during the teach-in procedure
green: Waiting for RC reception
green: Importing the sensitivity channel
green: Right aileron
green: Left aileron
green: Elevator descent
green: Elevator climb
green: Right rudder
green: Left rudder
red: Pass-through mode active for transmitter, gyro without functionality.
After each teach-in step, the servos allocated to the respective axis twitch.
Make sure that only these servos display confirmation.
WINGSTABI must be restarted to exit the remote control setup mode. Once
all the steps have been completed successfully, the configuration is saved
automatically in WINGSTABI EASY Control. This is indicated by the green LED
flashing fast. Flight mode can now begin with your WINGSTABI. When flying,
trimming is possible with the gyro deactivated and when in damping mode.
After this kind of trim flight, restart your WINGSTABI EASY Control; it now also
accepts trimmings for the heading hold mode. Never trim when flying in head-
ing hold mode!