After starting the application, the projects or list of projects is shown for selection as well as the corresponding station
selection or station setup.
The "As-built" application begins after station setup is completed. Depending on the station selected, there are two
alternative methods for determining the as-built measurement point:
Measuring as-built points using building control lines
Measuring as-built points with coordinates and/or points based on CAD drawings.
11.3.2 As-built with building control lines
When taking as-built measurements with control lines, the as-built values to be entered always refer to the building
control line that has been selected as the reference axis.
Entering an as-built position
Enter the as-built position as a dimension relative to the building control line defined when the station was set or,
respectively, the building control line on which the tool is set up.
The values to be entered are line and offset distances relative to the previously defined building control line.
As-built values on the building control line in a forwards or backwards direction from the tool station are line
(longitudinal) values and those to the right or left of the building control line are offset values. Forwards and to the right
are positive values, backwards and to the left are negative values.
Direction to the as-built point
Using this screen, the tool is aimed at the point from which the as-built measurement is to be taken by rotating the
tool until the red direction indicator is at the zero position and, below this, the numerical display shows a value as
close as possible to zero.
The cross hairs are then aimed in the direction of the as-built point in order to guide the reflector bearer and to identify
the as-built point.
Alternatively, for points on the ground or floor, the reflector bearer can, to a great extent, bring himself into position on
the sighting line with the aid of the guide light.
Return to previous view.
Confirm entry and continue,
showing display for aligning the
tool with the point to be staked
or marked out.