2. Overview new functionalities
The large PROFI TX handbook is generally considered as the
main operator's manual. The MasterEdition works with the Soft-
ware 3.28, which offers a signi cantly expanded functionality
· 12 ight phases: 3 groups with a maximum of 4 phases
· New ight phase names: START3, SPEED3, THERMAL3
· Teacher/pupil with single switch, optionally with mixer function
· Control assignment: 11 controllers with selectable functions.
- Undercarriage sequencer
- Door sequencer
- Sequencer for ap mechanism/extension motor
- Multi-positional switch (1 to 2 switches –> 2 to 9 positions)
- 9-point curves
· Switch assignment: Aileron/elevator/rudder available as switch,
with adjustable switching points
· Switch assignment: Toggle functionality for all mechanical
switches and buttons
· Switch assignment: Announce time
· MagicSwitch: With MS2 to MS4, all sensors can now be
used as a switch
· Sensorics: A new sensor class with the unit "g" for load factor
has been introduced
· Copilot functionality: Wireless connection with a second
transmitter. The copilot increases the number of control
functions from 15 to 22. They can be mixed like the inter-
nal control functions and assigned at the servo side (copilot
module required)
· Aileron, elevator, rudder: Signals without trim (-T) now also
run via expo, D/R and travel. For aerobatics, an "extreme"
expo curve can be selected
· Throttle/pitch: 9 point curves
· Throttle EMERGENCY OFF now always switches to minimum
with ying models. The "CNTR" trim option is now only con-
sidered for vehicles. Throttle EMERGENCY OFF only switches
to neutral (servo center) on vehicles with active trim option
· Only the 4 basic functions aileron, elevator, rudder and throttle
are assigned with xed settings options. The other 11 con-
trollers can be equipped with different options:
scope. The following list provides a broad overview of these
new functionalities. The Pro TX handbook is currently being
comprehensively revised and will be published in fall.
- Phase-dependent xed value
- Slow
- 2-type sequencer
- Multi-position: 2 to 9 xed positions with 2 combined
- 9-point curves
- Gyro
All options can be used several times, apart from "gyro". Slow
was extended to 12 seconds.
· 9-point curves
· Copilot channels, directly mixable with all options
· Curves over 2-3-5-9 points
· Copilot channels directly assignable
· Trim directly assignable
· Announce timer
· Announce time
· New "MULTICOPTER" template
· New "WINGSTABI" template
With activated "safety check", throttle remains locked after
being switched on or switching the memory until the "throt-
tle" has been brought near to minimum on the servo side.
The locking is shown in the "safety check" display. In the CAR,
SHIP, and PANZER model templates, minimum is in controller
center, if CNTR mode was selected in the throttle controller
options for the trim.
Caution when setting up a model for the rst time: The
throttle channel may be set in the wrong direction! Adjust
this point rst if necessary using servo reverse.