
Operating Instructions
Mode d'emploi
TPH 330
TPU 330
TPH 510/TPU 510
Turbomolecular Pump
Pompe turbomoleculaire
PM 800 171 BN/D /9702)


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Pfeiffer Vacuum TPH 330

  • Page 1 PFEIFFER VACUUM Betriebsanleitung Operating Instructions Mode d'emploi TPH 330 TPU 330 TPH 510/TPU 510 Turbomolekularpumpe Turbomolecular Pump Pompe turbomoleculaire PM 800 171 BN/D /9702) N3722...
  • Page 2 ndex Index lnhalt Genera AUg men s Vorv.11kuump11mptil'l Rucki II pump Parnpas ii , vi I! prlma ,r; Tech nlsch � Daiten e:eho ca dat Ce racUhis:Uques techniques E:ndl!rLJ Ultim 1e pre .1He asslon, Se ug\!erm ogafl Volume ilow rat Debit-\lOlume ·...
  • Page 3 Instructions de servi ce letriebs; nweisung1 Operati:ng-instructions pour bo-Moleku r pumpen TPH 330, 51 0, TPU 330. 61 0 pompes turbo-moU\cu laires TPH/TPU 330 / 51 0 TPH 3 30. 51 Q , 51 0 tu 11bomolecu lar pumps I m portant Information D ·...
  • Page 4 Fl 2 fl'U330 TPll 33(1 n.ll1NQek,1h' l ui'lgc\uhll y, Ill •®nl 111r,COOl11d I relrOldlBHJQ l11C11d munl p r Fig ll , fl"l.l510 ILJlllg lwhit T r ,.eooll!'d I re rotdl!. m 11t p.11, 1, Gene. meines 1 General -Turbopump -V rbfnclur,,gslc.abel- - Th o pump C<l nn ctin cable­...
  • Page 5 11 rienm11B.ig s"nd die · P u:mpeo r- - In si.andatd version, pumps era pompes tabriquoos s.erie, '-0111 e ffold gek hit w.a1ier-cooled. ie.s pet eou. ,peu, n litre irBnsfonn�es pour k. c nneJI duro. 11 A nb u von Ventila Thev verled to .sir {.."...
  • Page 6: Technische Daten

    3 Technische Daten ell ica 3 Ce r acti'iristiqu ,s 1 0 · · "-PH_· _J_J_o --- -- -.- --- --- --- - --- - � ,IJN UJCl ISO�. IDOCF-r DN 50 ISO lijOCF-f ON 25 ' N 40 , , , , !IOIJ IJ ' Emploh lenm \i'Mpump'II...
  • Page 7 · .PH 330/TPU :,330 TPH510ITPU510 G) , H1g'1 V c uum Conm1d1on A ·c11ru m411i't1 v1d ot 0) , c,i;h,v11k1am-n11Chl11 !& \1'11 1,1.1,jlJI IHI, vldo rn� l'.l \lol'll'll frnm■n$c I u R oeord mon1 roidi'Mem Ill wn.s,eranschlu6 COtllliinl Contll 10111 (:DOli l'lldf<J m Ill...
  • Page 8 3.1 Pll'e:s11ion ffnol,e Ultimo , te preH111 1 Enddruc,k 1uession flnate des pamp dem Enddn:aek von Tu r t>o­ According to DIN :28 428, tho Unte, 1,.1:ltlmate r essure of turbomof!l'cula turbo�mol,�c1,1Talres, on entend lap ekutarputnpen wird 11.ach D I N 28 428 pl!mps is the PfllSSUffl whfoh i'S Druck ViE11'$l.
  • Page 9 a Hation 4 nstallalion 4 lnstaUation Ramarqu• cam:111 , r n11n . ll'in, s:t a I latlon - La pompe 1uroo !?51 I awe sa ch rg d'hu • N'en'r r lo,s brides pleines de.s . odte,s vid i,ou�� et ville rimaire que h.!Sl event l e montoa •...
  • Page 10 l Einseuen des Spfflf r: chu:1:ms 4.2. r RU/ng lhe spllnret .shJelC1 1 Mrs en pfilce dtJ pam�at Zorn Schutz d11r Turbor,iumpe eg11n lin er shield should b fitted 1st " Fl'emdkdrpe1. Splittmsahu lS'ebwoJ:a VDUII do nwurdj · prot pump bung 1n1ch unlieoj einsewm (Zub hor, rom foreign...
  • Page 11 1 1-/ h fJlang1 Uml11 , 111. o ,w,i:lp ousse 2 v-,cuum I na 2 Cond1Ji a �t prim re Cooling C!< cannli'CI on 3 ll11ccnrd ra'lra l!'l!!lll l •rt� ebas; IIHP I t !Hila 5 Sc r ew Conn Ofl n1100 o"...
  • Page 12 4.4 C ol ng 4.4 l«ihlung de-r R ibungs - m Zum A f Ii r beim Heizeo urtreter, en •. rm mii ek.O It v,.,erdan. Die T1.1rbopum n isl. zwet Pil:C Wid rst-nde in Molorwk:ldung und Pump nnah h,i.mni&eh cnulzl.
  • Page 13 To· ovoid com:u;Jo tlam11gll.1! the Pour ile det rioration:s Pllr car Urn Korrosionssehillde zu v.ermai­ tt en n fall.owin g r ·gonco� suiva,n s pour aen, slnd folgende darun ui m ts for coo ins rosron or h 'ting waH1r must be m l' ' e au de refiroidissement wn1 ti re.spec�...
  • Page 14 2 l..ufllrtJfl lung 4 4,2 A r 1:00'11117 4.4.2 Re mlcJlssement par fr flu. Fig. urhcp u mpe lmnn 1; m f Lu kiihh1. 111 g. - The luffl!J porn con bo t(lnve.rtcd ro l.lmgesrelll wordun. cool1n{l. - In dorTC 300/310 s1nd ·...
  • Page 15 -♦- - � ..-= _____ __.. ,.1:1 1.1! 1 Tu(hllf!Wm l ]B 1 lurb<i pv1np l:lrin f111nml1 Bl1ttk 11110 UI Schr1111!11 n<:1 s�r 11 Buep1' lm 1 l Grund 111,' 1 :l Schwl litlUlllltdimpfer I Ian 10 lOJ 1 3 \lib 14V fltlU I 1 �...
  • Page 17 Ri,ccord de rsam se Fhlit nschlu8 4.5 V nting onnect • MEmu11J l v CH elect caUv operated Zurn Fluten er urb ' ump. Pour- I remJs II l 'ilir dii a ornpc k(lr,a 111nd- oder I Klrisch beUit1gie � hies can be used to vent the turbo .
  • Page 18 5 Fonctjon nement 5 Opera · ion 5 Betneb 5 . ' I n sch H;en 5 . 1 S • ,n�hi n g on th pu , m , p , &. 1 M i$0 on rn roh e , lwass1;1r s.c'.h el ·en rohfl...
  • Page 20: Entretien

    6 Ins andha tung 6 Entretien Maintenanc, Chan,g rne , n ( d • g ent 6.1 B 11 triab1Jm1ttelwechse:I · 6 .1 Cl nging o,pemtiingagen 6.1 ' moteu, Fig. fig. Fig. lbeiden Kamm 11 sind mt je Prio to Hui opera ing each oH ur.
  • Page 21 6 . 2. N ettoy 6 . 2 Re i n igung 2 Cl a n i n g · Fig. Fig . l"I W htm ti� pum p is cn l y ighUy B ei leieht e Ve seh l'!.l g e durcsh etrl...
  • Page 22 6.3 Plf I n des Ano bts &.a Cbaekililg 1hlll driv ·n lhe, V6: t it c rtla , n du motaLI de I in de, Tu rbopu mp turbo , p 11mp · urb-o. fMI d AnfriOl>I T Iii ell cln'lflllil IMIW t,yMoC 200 0...
  • Page 23 C"s.3Q O m V • I gr u g,,. 2 11 l 11un� 1101 3 HJIW rl 4 w e bi• C 1111 5 l!IIU 15 griln rQ1Jo11 II NI (glllb , r jmUP!.! llr ul'I t:nun f i;i l A�lrle Tf'H/f P<lJ 330/510...
  • Page 24 ------------------------------------ S.4 Repleclna th rings mont da po,Her fig. 18 lO 36 Th d-. o rip ion of Oll:J'l'lng repfoc:ea " 11 gu de · 11rfo bearing repl e me ni · n,ount11 1g m.andril for bea ing Werkteug g rw chH I PM 003142 ·wo- Fig.18...
  • Page 25 o t a...
  • Page 26 6 . 4,3 K�eJJagsr J11b 1111'1 6A-- . 3 Fit tho ball bearirlfJ 6.4. .1 Monter le p11Uer a bi/res Fig. le g . 23 ig.23 □ Wh::h ll-s l(ugelleger tmportan Tho b ear i ng immer dltlm gro�nm Ar.il3efl• mt.1 t llway ti ted a of...
  • Page 27 F 11 211 Fig 21...
  • Page 28 age11t 6...12 ' Betti bsmllleJ absaugen inp oft the ope-railfng 5. 2 Aspir, r l'lhl F !I 1g. 28 ' · c1itdurcnfii11ruog 12. 8US dermi Rm vo lhew1ckgu e Sortir te 9 tdB•meche 12 du -1': l as· uge i::hi1d zieh l'I. 0 as Pump(trlo Ote -Ml plal'fi,.
  • Page 29 Flp 32...
  • Page 30 G.5.5 MMt g des Sch. uglase.s Mantap du hublar fig,36 g,36 indique LqJ.nd• .i fig. 11 - 3D tiln!.nd, • I.ta ml lo-Ring lO•P 0°fl1n11 0-rinu 8 .:u ,eUag�, Bari boarln Sc:h,win11rlnij An mbra ttcn rinrJ IQ Doci'lt 10\!Vlm 12 D ill nl'l!l'III 12Wia gµd' t3 D,i;e�!f r...
  • Page 31: Accessories

    0,51 6 032 AT PM 006 033AT Accessories Acc, e ssoires 8 Zubehor Ii , TP- .i'l 3'30 , t:PU 330 TPH 330, TPiJ 3.3,Q Tl'H3 o T:PU330 ml11. Cl'! �Jll � run s ho i H II no J■m !I'! PM 03 S.GSl...
  • Page 32: Spare Parts

    9" ErsatzteUe 9 Spare parts 9 Pieces de chang, rtw111g hr.. B.iall SHlctk ll�m O�n•t. �lilCH No cl■ CIIL 2Ch 1 mp'!, 2.20\1 4'20V ™�43022·1 11011 PM0038!i9 T 110V PMl» l 87 o-mn11 Ja.f111 rorfq u.i P40104'17 � I ,Ii Ori.11:blllc:1\, I f'nrlltfllm pJillCil lfik■...
  • Page 33 Pos. Wellendu chme..,;scr S n zsclh eibe mete of 1he sh S I sh! di c Diametre de I' rbre DI q , u e pulv, e rlse ur "ro • 0A8,95-1 F'M 013 746 �X "roo• Nroug ., 0 A 6,B8 6,95 PM 013 870 "schwan•...
  • Page 34 U�11ill,st• / Sp I'll Tm[TPU 3: '£1!510 luttldllllun- COO-. turru diuam n para J d; Clit Gru11dpl1n,o p/lllte qull PM0061l20 r.l fl■r Butf r Esp�� P3'6 !I 70 1"11 Liift, \l'on1il1Uour l'IOV f'M008 l09•n ?i,11006 4- 2 1 00642.Z...
  • Page 35 en Sie eine Pumpe Aep Should you find t riecessary rn vous nou8 �nvoytll l'llJCt <1m1? i:Hn pump o , r ·1.1ro nung nuns od o· ou i'l , una de os agences, un11 pom ein unse� r VeNr, ungen einsenden ge t for repair m in ena oe.
  • Page 36 PFEIFFE VACUUM ,. l!llE Hersteflere1IWru:ng im Sinne JGr . ,gender EilHUchtmi11ien� Eml'!'ldliuS!". r.33 n an 8S13S21EWG I M iw D-35ti l\sslar ·!I fll :tm1gnrli�bo Vit:fl icb�eil 8S/8Bi/EWG • R it 11, p.an11un117ffl/EWG m,,1 1JJlllinm da1! d�s .11et'1ibrt � Pnx!I! ,1 1m •JJl!ll In b�t1m111llsl uf:iu \la Ihle "...
  • Page 37 1Uverlra ens Iii rk r dn enligt fiilJ de EG--d re1n:iv: M11kindirekl , v 8913!W'EEC • Elektmma ' 11 11eli.t s lt iolllrilll!S 89/D3/EEC l!!" � U191 p iinninu 13/231El!E 1m1ell fl:i 1111 lili, ffl oon dan ntmnd..:i � iii' 11 ·...

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Tpu 330Tph 510Tpu 510

Table des Matières