15.4 Use of light excluding plate
Microscope is provided with a light excluding plate
that can be placed on the stage and prevents flare and
reflections coming from the condenser front lens.
The plate can be used in two different ways.
Mode n° 1: place the plate on the stage (under the slide holder)
and place the slide directly over the plate. (Fig. 102)
Mode n° 2: lower the condenser and insert the plate between the
two layers of the stage. (Fig. 103)
In both cases it is possible to move the sample using the
stage X-Y translation knobs.
15.5 Use of UV shield
Microscope is provided with a UV protection shield.
This can be used to protect user from unwanted UV rays
coming from the fluorescence light source.
1. Loosen the two locking screws ①. (Fig. 104)
2. Insert the grooves of the UV shield ② into the holes (Fig.
105) and tighten the screws ① again.
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ig. 105