F. Robotics Acquisition Ltd. hereby certifies that equipment described below
0.1. Type: 24 Volt Battery operated Automatic Lawn Mower
0.2. Make (Trade name): ROBOMOW
0.2.1. Model/Type: Tuscania 200 (with Perimeter Switch)
0.3. Manufactured by: Name: F. Robotics Acquisitions Ltd.
0.4. Person who keeps the technical documentation:
0.5 Notified body:
0.6 Conformity assessment procedure (Test Specification):
To BS EN ISO 3744: 1995 and *ISO 11094: 1991.
With reference to Outdoor noise directive 2000/14/EC: Amended by directive 2005/88/EC
and the corrigenda table 1. Article 12: Test code of Annex III Part B Item 32.
0.7 Date:6
Conforms to the requirements of Directive 2000/14/EC and to the requirements of the Directives
2005/88/EC and the corrigenda table 1. Article 12: Test code of Annex III Part B Item 32:
Brief description of equipment: 24 Volt Battery operated Automatic Lawn Mower
Sound level
Measured sound power level:...........................LwA =77.2 dB
Guaranteed sound power level:.........................LwA =80 dB
Sound related parameter:
Cutting Width: 19.5 cm
This declaration must be made in the same language as the original instructions, and either typewritten or printed. A
translation in the language (s) of the user country must also be provided. These translations are subject to the same
conditions as the original instructions.
e.g. a function empowering the signatory to sign on behalf of the manufacturer (if the manufacturer is a natural
person, this is the manufacturer or his legal representative, and in the case of a legal person or association having no
legal personality, it is the person authorized to represent/manage him by law or by his rules or articles of association).
For combustion-engine driven equipment it should be the nominal engine speed at which noise measurements are recorded. For chain
saws: this should be the nominal engine speed under full load conditions at which noise measurements are recorded.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Address: Hatzabar St., Industrial Zone P.O.Box 1412 Pardesiya, 42815 Israel
Name: Mr. Dedy Gur, QA director.
Address: Hatzabar St., Industrial Zone P.O.Box 1412 Pardesiya, 42815 Israel
Rossmore Business Park ELLESMERE PORT
CH65 3EN South Wirral Cheshire United Kingdom
SGS Reference: ELS111832/4/R/SW/07
May 2008
0.8 Place:
Machinery Directive
Low Voltage Directive
Directive on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Signature (Full name and position
(Noise Level)
): Shai Abramson – Senior VP R&D