Keys locked
- Child lock feature has been activated
- Robomow is charged and the ambience
Low temperature
temperature is out of range (below 32ºF /
Mow overheat
- The mowing motor has been working under
cooling, wait...
a severe load for too long of a time.
- Perimeter Switch is not turned on or not
connected to the zone intended to mow.
No wire signal
- The perimeter wire is not connected to the
Perimeter Switch
- The perimeter wire is cut
Rain detected
- Robomow detects rain upon GO pressing
GO to ignore
(received when pressing the GO button)
Rain detected
- Robomow has skipped the last depart due to
Press GO
rain detection
Rain sensor
- Disconnection in the rain sensor wires.
- The battery is fully charged
keep charging
- The maximum operating time has been
Recharge battery
Remove fuse
- Robomow was lifted while the battery fuse is
before lifting
- Some obstacle is stuck or wrapped around
the blade.
- Something is preventing a blade from
Remove fuse then
rotating freely. Severe grass accumulation
check blade
under the mowing deck; rope or similar
object wrapped around mowing blade.
- Object jammed under mower preventing
blade from rotating.
Replace blade
- An automatic reminder to replace the blade
every 200 hours
is displayed every 200 hours
All manuals and user guides at
Probable Cause/Event
Corrective/User Action
- Press the Up
arrow key and then
press the 'STOP' button.
Child lock can be deactivated under the
'Settings' menu.
- Do not do anything, the charging is
stopped and Robomow is waiting for
temperature to change back to the
allowed range; if temperature stays out
of the range for more than 12 hours, the
message is changed to 'Low temp.
Press GO'.
- There is no need to do anything –
Robomow will renew automatically the
operation, as the mowing motor will
cool down.
- Make sure the Perimeter Switch is
connected to the mains supply
- Disconnect the power supply from the
mains power and reconnect after 10
- Check the Perimeter Switch is
connected to the correct zone and is
turned on.
- Check the connection of the perimeter
wire to the Perimeter Switch.
- Check for cut in the perimeter wire.
- Do not operate Robomow in rainy
weather and wet grass; If you choose to
override, press the 'GO' button; The
overriding is valid for the current
operation only
- It is not recommended to cut wet or
damp grass, but if you choose to
override the rain sensor, change the
setting of the 'Rain sensor' to 'off' under
the 'Settings' menu.
- Press 'GO' to confirm the message and
call service for repair.
- Keep the charger (power supply)
connected and operating
- Connect the charger to the mower
- Remove the fuse before lifting
– Remove battery fuse
before lifting the mower.
- Inspect blades for foreign material or
debris preventing rotation.
- Clean out accumulated grass clippings
using a wooden stick.
- Replace the blades and restart the
counter of the blades replacement
reminder by choosing the 'Blades
replaced – Clear reminder' option
under the 'Settings' menu