Intended Use
Category 1: Riding on paved roads
ASTM F2043
This is a set of conditions for the operation of a bicycle and its components
on a regular paved surface where the tires are intended to maintain ground
Category 2: Riding on- and offroad with drops up to 15 cm (6 in.)
ASTM F2043
This is a set of conditions for the operation of a bicycle and its components
that includes category 1 as well as unpaved and gravel roads and trails with
moderate grades. In this set of conditions, contact with irregular terrain and
loss of tire contact with the ground may occur. Drops are intended to be
limited to 15 cm (6 in.) or less.
ASTM F2043
Category 3: Riding in rough terrain and drops up to 61 cm (24 in.)
This is a set of conditions for operation of a bicycle and its components that
includes category 1 and 2 as well as rough trails, rough unpaved roads, and
rough terrain and unimproved trails that require technical skills. Jumps and
drops are intended to be less than 61 cm (24 in.).
Category 4: Riding in rough terrain and drops up to 122 cm (48 in.)
ASTM F2043
This is a set of conditions for operation of a bicycle and its components that
includes category 1, 2, and 3, or downhill grades on rough trails at speeds
less than 40 km /h (25 mph), or both. Jumps are intended to be less than
122 cm (48 in.).
Category 5: Extreme riding (Downhill, Freeride)
ASTM F2043
This is a set of conditions for operation of a bicycle and its components that
includes category 1, 2, 3, and 4, extreme jumping or downhill grades on
rough trails at speeds in excess of 40 km/h (25 mph) or a combination