2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
The keyed ends of the Control Module output driver and the
The keyed ends of the Control Module output driver and the
compression damper adjuster must be aligned in the same orientation
compression damper adjuster must be aligned in the same orientation
before installation.
before installation.
Confirm the inside of the top cap is clean before installing the Flight
Attendant Control Module. Contamination will affect the compression
damper seal and function of the Control Module.
Check key alignment before installation. If the keys are not aligned,
Check key alignment before installation. If the keys are not aligned,
rotate the adjuster key on the Control Module output driver to the
rotate the adjuster key on the Control Module output driver to the
same orientation as the adjuster key in the compression damper.
same orientation as the adjuster key in the compression damper.
F A C o n t r o l M o d u l e I n s t a l l a t i o n
Flat blade screwdriver
FA Control Module Installation