10. D I S A S S E M B L I N G , C L E A N I N G A N D A S S E M B L I N G
The Vaporization Unit may be eas-
ily disassembled and reassembled
for cleaning in a few seconds. The
Mouthpiece, Filling Chamber, and cap
components may also be cleaned in a
However, the Screens, Mouthpiece,
and Tubing Sections are very small,
and may be lost if placed in a dish-
Warning! Isopropyl alcohol is
flammable and may easily
The safety instructions furnished by
the manufacturer of the isopropyl al-
cohol must be observed!
Do not immerse plastic parts
in isopropyl alcohol for more
than half an hour. Prolonged
contact with isopropyl alcohol can
lead to color changes or embrittle-
ment of the plastic parts.
After cleaning, check all component
parts for surface damage, tears, sof-
tening or hardening, impurities, distor-
tion and discoloration and set dam-
aged component parts aside.
10.2. Disassembling the Mouthpiece
1. Pull the Mouthpiece and the Tubing
Section off of the Cooling Coil with a
gentle twist.
2. Pull the Tubing Section off of the
Mouthpiece with a gentle twist.
Pull the Mouthpiece away from the Cooling
Reassemble in reverse order.
Before assembling allow all compo-
nent parts to dry properly.
Upper Tubing
Section (long)
Cooling Coil