10. D I S A S S E M B L I N G , C L E A N I N G A N D A S S E M B L I N G
10.1. Disassembling and Reassem-
bling the PLENTY Vaporization
Upper Tubing
Section (long)
Cooling Coil
Lower Tubing
Section (short)
Filling Chamber Cap
Upper Screen
Lower Screen
Filling Chamber
Filling Chamber
PLENTY Vaporization Unit
Please allow the Vaporization Unit to
cool down before disassembling it.
The component parts of the Filling
Chamber, including the Cooling Coil
and the Mouthpiece must be thor-
oughly cleaned on a regular basis to
guarantee proper operation and pure
For hygienic reasons, it is also neces-
sary to clean these components when
the device is to be used by a different
Isopropyl alcohol with paper or cotton
cloths or warm water with dishwashing
liquid can be used for manual cleaning.
Manual cleaning with isopropyl alcohol
(70%) or detergent. Replacement Cooling
Coils may also be purchased.