Im Falle von Reklamationen im Zusammenhang mit
dem Produkt, wie beispielsweise Beschädigungen
des Materials oder Mängel in der Passform, wenden
Sie sich bitte direkt an den medizinischen Fachhandel.
Nur schwerwiegende Vorkommnisse, die zu einer we-
sentlichen Verschlechterung des Gesundheitszustan-
des oder zum Tod führen können, sind dem Hersteller
und der zuständigen Behörde des Mitgliedsstaates
zu melden. Schwerwiegende Vorkommnisse sind im
Artikel 2 Nr. 65 der Verordnung (EU) 2017 / 745 (MDR)
Im Regelfall ist das Produkt nach Nutzungsende über
den herkömmlichen Entsorgungsweg zu vernichten.
Bitte beachten Sie dabei die geltenden örtlichen /
nationalen Vorgaben.
The JuzoPro Digitus Xtec orthosis, made out of
inelastic materials with deformable padded finger
splints and partly removable reinforcing elements,
immobilises the interphalangeal joints of three or
four fingers.
Instructions for fitting your
JuzoPro Digitus Xtec correctly:
1. First open the touch fasteners (1), then fastener (2).
Next open the zipper located on the outer side of
the hand.
2. Now slide your thumb (and index finger in the case
of the 3-finger version) through the openings (a)
and (b) so that the remaining fingers are positioned
in the finger pockets provided. The stabilisation
splints need be located on the back of the hand.
3. Now close the zipper, then the fastener 2 and –
under tension – the fastener 1.
4. The stabilisation splints can be taken out and put
back in again via the slit on the side of the pocket.
Your orthosis is correctly fitted when it firmly
surrounds the back of your hand without applying too
much (painful) pressure on it. You can re-adjust the
orthosis at any time by repeating Step 3.
Please note:
Only wear your orthosis when prescribed by your
physician. Medical aids should only be dispensed by
suitably trained staff of a medical products supplier.
The orthosis can only be fully effective when it has
been put on correctly and is being worn in accordance
with treatment recommendations. The orthosis is
largely resistant to oils, ointments, skin moisture and
other environmental influences. Certain combinations
may negatively impact on the durability of the fabric.
We therefore recommend that it gets examined
regularly by the medical products supplier. Should the
product become damaged, please consult your speci-
alist supplier. Do not repair the orthosis yourself – this
could compromise its quality and medical efficacy.
For hygienic reasons, the orthosis is not suitable for
treating more than one patient. The sewn-in textile
label is important for the identification and traceability
of the product. We therefore ask you not to remove the
label under any circumstances.
Washing and care instructions
Please observe the care instructions on the textile
label attached to your orthosis. When washing the
orthosis for the first time, please wash separately
(colour may run). Please remove the aluminum splints
before washing, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The tabs may
be pulled right through the holes in order to allow
easier cleaning. Handwash the orthosis with laundry
detergent for delicate fabrics every day or between
uses at approx. 30 °C. We recommend Juzo's Special
Detergent. After washing, rinse the orthosis well
and leave it to dry at room temperature. In order to
reduce the drying time the orthosis may be placed
on a thick terry towel and dabbed dry. Do not bend
the stabilising support frame. Do not leave in a towel
and do not dry the orthosis on the radiator or in direct
sunlight. The orthosis is not suitable for tumble drying.
This Juzo product should not be drycleaned.
Material composition
For specific details please refer to the textile label
sewn onto your orthosis.
Storage information and usage duration
Store in a dry place and protect from sunlight. The
medical retailer or doctor prescribing the orthosis will
advise on exactly how long it can be used for.
Notes for orthopaedic technicians
The aluminum can be shaped if necessary.
Following injuries and operative procedures to the
fingers (phalanges), Dupuytren's disease, to extend
the finger (phalanges), postoperative care of PNF (per-
cutaneous needle fasciotomy), rheumatoid arthritis of
the fingers (phalanges).
In the following illnesses the orthosis should only be
worn after consulting a doctor:
lymph drainage disorders, arterial flow impairment,
post-thrombotic conditions, skin diseases or skin
Wounds in the treatment area are to be covered with
sterile dressings.
The Julius Zorn GmbH Group assumes no liability as a
result of any contraindicated use of this product.
Side effects
There are no known side effects when used as
directed. However, if negative alterations (such as for