2. Turn the combination switch to ''RUN'' position.
⑤ Electric start (Model used)
Cold I hot engine start (electric start): Turn the combination switch to ''Run" position.
Press the engine switch and release it after the engine starts.
If after three attempts to start, the generator still fails to start or stops after starting,
please search and solve the fault.
The engine shall not exceed 15 seconds for each continuous start. If it fails to start,
please allow the generator to cool for 1 minute before next attempt to start.
Failure to do so will damage the starter motor.
⑥ Wireless remote control (if applicable)
Press and hold the "ON~ key for 1 second and release it to start the generator.
If it fails to start, the generator will restart by itself. If it fails to start after repeated 5 times,
please allow the generator to cool for 1 minute and start again.
NOTE: Sometimes the generator can take a few attempts to start in cold weather.
If machine does not start in the first 10 seconds, wait for 30 seconds before attempting
If the motor turns a little then stops when you press the Start key, it may indicate a low
battery. Charge the battery before operation or start by recoil start.
Remote transmitter and generator learning
The generator and the remote controller have been successfully matched at the fac-
tory, and users do not need to perform matching when use.
If you need to re-match the remote transmitter, press and hold the start button for 5s
and release, then press the ''ON" button of remote control transmitter for 1s, if the
generator starts, the remote transmitter is successfully matched.
NOTE: When electrical device requires a large starting current, please put the energy-sav-
ing switch in the "OFF" position; When the starting current required by electrical device Is
small, put the energy-saving switch in the "ON'' position.
After completing the operations above, the generator can be connected to electrical de-
It Is prohibited to start or close the generating set when the output terminal of gen-
erating set is connected to an electric device and the electric device is in "ON'' state.
If it fails to start, release the switch. The unit
will restart by itself. If it fails to start after re-
peated 5 times, please allow the generator to
cool for 1 minute and start again.
Rapid retraction of the starter cord will pull hand and
arm towards the engine faster than you can let go.
Unintentional start-up can result in entanglement, trau-
matic amputation or laceration. Broken bones, frac-
tures, bruises or sprains could result.
Never continue to start the generator without removing
the fault.
It's forbidden to start the generator after changing to
another battery without authorization.
When the generator is idle for a long time or improper
use or other factors, the lithium battery is undercharg-
ing so that the generator cannot be electrically started,-
follow the manual start steps to control the choke and
start the generator manually. The generator will auto-
matically charge the lithium battery during operation.