monoTIG 220ip / 220ipw / 220ip AC-DC / 220ipw AC-DC
2.7 Water Cooling Unit (for Water Cooled Models)
• Unit The water cooling unit is used to cool the torch It is a closed circuit system consisting of radiator, fan,
pump coolant reservoir.
• Connect the cold (blue) water hose to the cold water outlet on the water cooling system, and the hot (red)
If your machine has a water cooling unit;
water hose to the hot water inlet on the water cooling system.
• Magmaweld welding machines come with Magmaweld coolant, which is produced to give the best
performance. In case of lack of coolant, open the coolant reservoir cap and add Magmaweld coolant
suitable for the temperature of the working environment. The coolant must be within the minimum and
maximum values shown on the front panel of the unit.
• Different coolant or water should not be added. Different liquid additives can cause chemical reactions or
different problems.
• Magmaweld is not responsible for the risks that may arise in case of adding different liquids. All warranty
provisions will be void if different coolant or water is added to the Magmaweld coolant.
• If it is desired to use a different brand of coolant, the inside of the coolant tank should be completely empty
and there should be no residue or liquid in it.
• It is not suitable to use the water-cooling units with welding machines other than manufactured by
Magma Mekatronik Makine Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Water cooling units cannot be operated with external
• The water cooling unit operates controlled from the machine. All commands such as start/stop are given
automatically by the machine. In this way, energy savings are achieved and pump life is extended.
• The water cooling unit controls the water flow. If it falls below 0.5 liters, it will give an error.
• If the liquid temperature exceeds 80°C, the machine will fail.
• The water cooling unit controls the current drawn by the pump. If there is any jam, it will give an error so that
the pump motor does not burn.
• The water cooling unit controls the pump supply voltage. If there is any problem in the supply, it will give an
error if the motor pump voltage is not sufficient. These detected errors are displayed on the machine with the
E06 error code and the user is warned.