Assembling the Mounting Unit
Removing the Cover
Installing the Lower Ram
Installing the Mounting Unit
Instruction Manual
Press the catch (pos. 4).
Press gently on both sides of the cover to release it, and lift it
Place the lower ram on the top of the piston rod.
Turn the lower ram so that the holes in the axle journal on
top of the rod and ram line up, and insert the piston pin.
Make sure that the ends of the pin do not protrude.
The axle journal is part of the machine's safety mechanism to protect
against damage to the machine. Please see: Maintenance. If it breaks, it
must only be replaced with a Struers replacement part or the safety
Mounting cylinder
Fixation screw
Upper quick coupling for cooling water
Lower quick coupling for cooling water
Do not operate the machine whilst installing the mounting unit
mechanism may not function.