Preset Programs (P1~P15)
The equipment has 15 pre-set programs with different profiles. (Fig G)
- Press "MODE" button to open programming mode.
- Press "PROG" buttons to select "P1~P15" program, press
"MODE" button to confirm.
- Press "SPEED +/-" buttons to set your desired training time
Default training time is set on 30:00 minutes.
Range 10:00~99:00 min.
When set 00:00 minutes, the training will not stop, unless
stopped manually.
- Press "START" button to start your workout.
User programs (U-01~U-03)
The equipment has 3 user programs.
Each user program can be adjusted to personal requirements.
Each user program has a maximum of 20 steps.
The speed can be set for each step.
Each steps takes 1/20 of the total amount of time.
- Press the "PROG" button to select a program. Press the "MODE"
button to confirm.
Dis. display show selected program.
- Press the "SPEED +/-" buttons to set the time. Press the "MODE"
button to confirm. The "CAL." window shows "01".
- Press the "SPEED±" buttons to set the speed.
Main window shows speed setting
Press the "MODE" button to confirm.
The "CAL." window shows "02"
- Repeat the above action to configure the other steps.
- Press the "START" button to start the program.
Body Fat
The Body Fat program is program to indicate your fiscal state, based
on your body parameters and heart rate.
- Press "MODE" button to open programming mode.
- Press "PROG" buttons to select "FAT"
program, press "MODE" button to confirm.
- The "Time/ Distance" display shows "F1" (SEX) .
The display shows "1"
Press "SPEED +/-" buttons to select:
1: Male/ 2: Female press "MODE" button to confirm.
- The display shows "F2" (Age) .
The display shows "25"
Press "SPEED +/-" buttons to select:10~99
press "MODE" button to confirm.
- The display shows "F3" (Heigth) .
The display shows "170"cm
Press "SPEED +/-" buttons to select:100~220 cm
press "MODE" button to confirm.
- The display shows "F4" (Weigth) .
The display shows "70"kg
Press "SPEED +/-" buttons to select: 20~150 kg
press "MODE" button to confirm.
- The display shows "F5" (Active)
The display shows "- - - -" (Measure)
Holding the contact hand-grip heart rate measurement pads is
required for this function.
Result calculation:
- BODY TYPE: ( Body Fat ratio; 9 types)
FAT 0 ~19
FAT 20 ~ 25
FAT 26 ~ 29
FAT 30 ~ +
- BF = Body Fat ( in ratio % )
- Error code "ER" will show if no heart rate was detected during the
BF measurement process.
- Press "MODE" button to leave Body Fat program.
Warranty terms
The consumer is entitled to the applicable legal rights stated in the
national legislation concerning the commerce of consumer goods.
This warranty does not restrict these rights. The Purchaser's Warranty
is only valid if the item is used in an environment approved by Tunturi
New Fitness BV for that particular equipment. The product-specific
approved environment is stated in the Owner's Manual provided with
your equipment.
Warranty conditions
The warranty conditions commence from the date of purchase.
Warranty conditions may vary per country, so please consult your
local dealer for the warranty conditions.
Warranty coverage
Under no circumstances shall Tunturi New Fitness BV or the Tunturi
Distributor be liable by virtue of this warranty or otherwise for any
special, indirect, secondary or consequential damages of any nature
arising out of any use or inability to use this equipment.
Warranty limitations
This warranty covers manufacturing defects in the fitness equipment
as originally packed by Tunturi New Fitness BV. The warranty shall
apply only under conditions of normal, recommended use of the
product as described in the Owner's Manual and providing that
Tunturi New Fitness BV's instructions for installation, maintenance and
use have been complied with. Neither Tunturi New Fitness BV's nor
the Tunturi Distributors'
obligations apply to defects due to reasons beyond their control. The
warranty applies only to the original purchaser and is valid only in
countries where Tunturi New Fitness BV has an authorised importer.
The warranty does not extend to fitness equipment or components
that have been modified without the consent of Tunturi New Fitness
BV. Defects resulting from normal wear, misuse, abuse, corrosion, or
damage incurred during loading or transportation are not covered.
The warranty does not cover sounds or noises emitted during use
where these do not substantially impede the use of the equipment
and where they are not caused by a fault in the equipment.
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