Bad working
Irregular combustion
Incomplete combustion
Smoke comes out of the plate
Smoke comes out of other parts of the
The cooker and other parts near the
cooker take fire.
The cooker overheats.
Oven's thermometer is over 300°.
Heating of oven is
The oven does not reach high tem-
Condensation is created inside the
cooker; it may be caused by humid-
ity inside the walled parts. After the
first lightings it is normal the creation
of some condensation inside the new
Lighting failed
It is not possible to light the cooker.
Presence of rust and deformations on
the plate.
Possible solutions
• Verify that the primary air regulator is open •
Verify that ash or other residuals do not obstruct
the grill • Verify that the grill is not inserted cor-
rectly (the flat part is up) • Verify that the place in
which the cooker is situated is well aired • Verify
the correct dimensioning of the chimney and of
the entrance of the chimney • Verify that there are
no losses in the exhaust-pipe and in the conjunc-
tions • Verify that the chimney suites the position
in which it is situated, in windy places you could
have to install an anti-wind chimney
• Close all the air regulations of the cooker • Close
doors and windows of the room in which the
cooker is placed • Call the firemen
• Close all the air regulations and if it is necessary
open the oven door
• Verify that oven door is well closed • Verify that
the starting key is closed • Set the draught regula-
tor to the maximum opening • Use good quality
wood, well dried and little patched • Verify that
combustion has strong flame • Verify that the
fume circuit is clean
• Verify to use good and well seasoned wood •
Verify that the chimney has not something wrong
• Verify that the chimney is well isolated • Verify
that the chimney is not over dimensioned • Verify
that the cooker had the time to dry and to bal-
ance itself
• Air the place • Open the starting key • Use well
dried wood • Burn newspapers or specified prod-
uct existing in commerce
• Do not clean the plate with water • Do the regu-
lar maintenance of the plate as described • Con-
tact your dealer or the customer service