Electromagnetic Compatibility
Make sure the environment in which the Doppler is installed is not subject to strong sources of electromagnetic
interference (e.g. radio transmitters, mobile phones). This equipment generates and uses radio frequency
energy. If not installed and used properly, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, it may
cause or be subject to interference. Type-tested in a fully confi gured system, complies with IEC 60601-1-2,
the standard intended to provide reasonable protection against such interference. Whether the equipment
causes interference may be determined by turning the equipment off and on. If it does cause or is aff ected by
interference, one or more of the following measures may correct the interference:
Reorient the equipment
Relocate the equipment with respect to the source of interference
Move the equipment away from the device with which it is interfering
The use of accessories, transducers and cables other than those specifi ed, with the exception of
transducers and cables sold by the manufacturer of the Doppler as replacement parts for internal
components, may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the Doppler.
The Doppler should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment and that if adjacent
or stacked use is necessary, the Doppler should be observed to verify normal operation in the
confi guration in which it will be used.
Portable RF communications equipment (including peripherals such as antenna cables and external
antennas) should be used no closer than 30 cm (12 inches) to any part of the Doppler including
cables specifi ed by the manufacturer. Otherwise, degradation of the performance of this equipment
could result.
This section is only applicable to United Kingdom (UK) market when UK
marking is applied to the Arjo medical device labelling.
UK Symbol:
UK Responsible Person:
Arjo (UK) Ltd., ArjoHuntleigh House, Houghton Regis. LU5 5XF
Is the appointed UK Responsible Person as defined in UK Medical Devices
Regulations 2002 (SI 2002 No 618, as amended).
For Northern Ireland (NI) CE marking will still apply until further amendment to
applicable regulations.
UK marking indicating conformity with UK Medical Devices
Regulations 2002 (SI 2002 No 618, as amended)
Figures indicate UK Approval Body supervision.