Hop; Setting Each Waveform Step - Metrix GX1010 Notice De Fonctionnement

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Noise is selected from the Noise menu, accessed by pressing the blue EDIT key followed
by NOISE, the shifted function of 4. Noise is turned on and off with alternate presses of the
DIGIT keys or by turning the rotary control. When Noise is on, the lamp beside the last
used FUNCTION will go off and no other function (including STAIR and ARB) can be
Having set Noise on, pressing ESCAPE will return the instrument to the Main menu; the
FREQuency field will show FREQ = WIDEBAND NOISE. Normal entries from the keyboard
can in fact be made in the frequency field but the new value will not be used until Noise is
turned off again. Similarly the symmetry setting can be changed while Noise is on but it will
have no effect until Noise is turned off again.
The other parameters on the Main menu can, however, be changed normally, i.e.
amplitude, offset and output impedance. Noise can also be used in the same way as any
other waveform in GATE and AM modes; attempting to switch on any other mode will bring
up the warning message "Operation is illegal here", although normal editing of all modes is
still permitted.


The HOP facility allows up to 16 different waveforms to be output in sequence at a rate
determined by either the internal timer, an external trigger, a remote command or by
pressing the MAN/SYNC key. Each waveform can be set to any waveshape, frequency,
amplitude and offset; symmetry is the same for every step in the sequence and is defined
on the Main menu before HOP is selected. Frequency only changes are phase-continuous.
HOP is both edited and controlled from the HOP menu, accessed by pressing the blue
EDIT key followed by HOP (the shifted function of the 5 key). Return to the Main menu is
by pressing ESCAPE.

4.8.1. Setting Each Waveform Step

The HOP menu is shown below. With the HOP field set to HOP:OFF the edit cursor can be
moved around all the editable fields using the FIELD and DIGIT keys in the standard way.
The 16 steps are numbered 00 to 15. The step to be edited is selected with the edit cursor
in the n= field using direct keyboard entries, followed by CONFIRM, or the rotary control.
For each step the frequency, amplitude and offset are set up, having positioned the cursor
in the appropriate field, exactly as for the Main menu; the cursor can be moved directly to
the fields of interest by pressing the FREQ/PER, EMF/PD, or DC OFFSET keys as
appropriate. For further information see the Main Generator Parameters section. The other
parameters of the Main menu, symmetry and output impedance, are set on that menu and
are the same for every HOP waveform.
The waveshape for each step is selected directly with the standard FUNCTION keys or with
the cursor in the edit field to the right of the amplitude display. The DIGIT keys or rotary
control can be used to step through each choice in turn; the corresponding lamp beside the
FUNCTION key lights to confirm the selection. The currently loaded STAIRcase and
ARBitrary waveforms are also included in the selection sequence (between -RAMP and
SINE) and their lamps also light when selected.
All parameters can be copied from one step to the next step by entering the new step in the
n= field and pressing RECALL; the differences in the new step can then be entered as
described above. This provides a quick means of creating new steps when only 1 or 2
parameters change.
32 - II
HOP:OFF n=01 01·000s
EMF =+20·0 Vpp



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