Viscount Chorale 3
In pipe organs, it is of fundamental importance for the air pressure to be constant in order to obtain an
even, "sustained" sound. However, a number of mechanical devices were introduced to generate a number
of periodic variations of varying intensity in the air flow.
These variations produced a "tremulous" effect on the sound, which made a number of solo stops (such
as the Vox Humana) more pleasant on the ear, and gave added expression to the reed stops.
This effect can be enabled and disabled using the [TREMULANT] stops.
The TREMULANT function can be used to set the speed and modulation depth of the tremulants for each
After the TREMULANT field is selected in the SET UP menu, the display will show the video page:
containing the current values of the DEPTH (modulation depth) and SPEED (modulation speed)
parameters of the tremulants of the two manuals.
Then press [EXIT] to return to display of the SET UP menu and save the new settings.
The Depth and Speed parameters can be saved with different values in each general and specific
combination and in the Tutti. To do this, saving must be enabled using the Function Stored function
described in point 6.9.
Reverberation is the result of a series of sound reflections propagated inside an enclosed environment.
The order and value of each reflection depend to a very great extent on an a large number of factors which
come into play within any one room, such as the size of the room in which the phenomenon takes place,
the nature of the materials of which it is made and the objects it contains, the listener's position, etc.
The digital signal processors incorporated in the Chorale 3 organs are able to artificially re-create the
complex reverberations that naturally occur in the types of building where pipe organs are normally
installed, and thus generate the right reverb effect to complete the instruments' excellent timbre qualities.
The purpose of the REVERBERATION TYPE function in the SET UP menu is to allow you to select the
type of reverb effect, ranging from a large church with strong reverb and many sound reflections to a
small room with short, muffled reverb.
You may use this function to select eight different types of reverb effect.
You can then use the [REVERB] trimmer in the left-hand control panel to regulate the level of reverb
effect required.
Owner's Manual