The skywalk CHILI3 mainly consists of Nylon fabric that loses strength and shows an
increase in porosity under the influence of uV-radiation. unpack the paraglider short-
ly before launch and pack away immediately after landing to avoid any unnecessary uV
The main suspension lines of the skywalk CHILI3 consist of a Dyneema core with pol-
yester cover, or of uncovered Technora lines. Avoid overloading the lines, since pro-
nounced overstretching is irreversible. Repeated kinking of the lines at the same spot
reduces strength. Any visible damage to a line, even if it is only to the line cover, re-
quires a new line replacement. A new line must be ordered from the manufacturer or
from an authorized skywalk- maintenance and repair facility. Your dealer or flight school
can help you to replace the defective line. Before you replace the line, check the cor-
rect length by comparing the line with the same line from the other wing half. After re-
placing the line, a line control must follow. The best way to do this is to spread the
wing on the ground.
aLL LineS MuSt be teSted after a MaXiMuM Of 200 fLiGHt HOurS Or
2 yearS (whichever occurs first). WitH MOre freQuent uSe, tHe LineS
MuSt be teSted after 100 HOurS.
tips and tricks for cloth Handling:
In order to care for and ensure the continued performance of your glider and this spe-
cial high performance cloth, it is imperative that you adhere to the following guidelines
1. Avoid any unnecessary exposure to sun or weathering. During launch, do not lay the
glider on the ground for long periods of time, and always pack it up right afterlanding.
2. Any rubbing or abrasion will lead to cloth damage, so be sure not to drag the cloth
on the ground.
3. Lay the glider cell upon cell, but please avoid tightly squeezing or tightly folding the
glider together.
4. Always store the risers in the protective casing provided for this use.
5. Never bring the cloth into contact with saltwater. If the glider does happen to come
into contact with saltwater, please rinse it with ample amounts of fresh water and
then carefully and thoroughly dry it.