iMPOrtant Safety WarninG:
fLyinG a ParaGLider reQuireS MaXiMuM cautiOn at aLL tiMeS.
be aWare tHat fLyinG yOur ParaGLider iS at yOur OWn riSk. aS a Pi-
LOt yOu MuSt Guarantee tHe airWOrtHineSS Of yOur ParaGLider be-
fOre every fLiGHt.
don't use your skywalk cHiLi3:
> outside the certified take-off weight
> With an engine
> In rainy,snowy and extremely turbulent weather conditions or high winds
> In fog or clouds
> With insufficient experience or training
Every pilot is responsible for his own safety and must ensure that his aircraft (paraglid-
er) has been checked and serviced for airworthiness before flying.
You can only fly your skywalk CHILI3 with a valid flying license and in accordance with
local rules and regulations. During production, your skywalk CHILI3 has passed several
thorough quality control checks. More spot checks were performed before shipping.