acceLerated fLyinG:
The high performance of the CHILI3 is not only apparent in trim flight, but also during
accelerated glide. When you use the speed system, be careful not to step through too
forcefully, because the system is very efficient and direct. Put equal pressure on the
bar with your feet until the pulley touches the A-riser. If you step too quickly, the CHILI3
will dive down from the strong change in angle of attack. If you accelerate with feeling,
the glider will quickly gain speed and the sink speed remains very moderate from be-
ginning up to full speed. We remind you that you should only fly in wind conditions that
allow you to fly normally. Even though the CHILI3 is extremely stable when accelerat-
ed, it can collapse more quickly in turbulent conditions and as a rule, the reactions are
more impulsive and demand a quicker reaction time from the pilot. For this reason, you
should only operate the speed system with adequate distance to the ground, obstacles
and other aircraft. We strongly advise against shortening the brake lines beyond the
factory setting!
The skywalk CHILI3 can be landed easily. Make your final approach against the wind
and let the glider slow down at its own speed. Reduce the speed further by applying
the brakes lightly and evenly. At about 1m above the ground you increase the angle
of attack by slowing down more and eventually completely flare out the glider. When
you have reached the minimal speed apply full brake. In strong head winds, slow down
carefully. When you have reached the ground safely, stall the glider carefully. Avoid
turning sharply before your final approach, danger of oscillation!
it iS POSSibLe durinG yOur firSt feW fLiGHtS tHat yOu cOuLd MiS-
JudGe tHe LandinG due tO tHe HiGH PerfOrMance Of tHe GLider. tHe
cHiLi3 takeS advantaGe Of every bit Of cLiMb.
The skywalk CHILI3 is very suitable for winch towing. Make sure you climb from the
ground at a flat angle. The pilot must have a valid towing license The tow winch must
be authorised. The winch operator must have a towing license, which includes paraglid-
ing When towing always steer sensitively, do not brake too much because the glider al-
ready flies at an increased angle of attack.