must only be minimally corrected with the steering lines improving climb performance
and therefore noticeably increasing overall performance.
In order to get the best climb performance, you should not break too strongly but just
let it run instead. The wing will circle exactly, converting the slightest climb into altitude.
It will also help you to find the optimal center of the thermal, thus gaining altitude. You
can core narrowly in narrow thermals and the CHILI3 will still climb cleanly while bank-
StaLL May Occur if tHe brake LineS are PuLLed tOO QuickLy Or tOO
A one-sided stall begins with high steering pressure and in the next moment abrupt-
ly falling steering pressure and slight backwards bend of the outer wing. In this phase,
you must immediately release the brake on the inside of the curve.
eMerGency SteerinG:
If a brake line should tear or release from the brake handle, the skywalk CHILI3 will still
have limited steering with the help of the rear riser (C-riser) and you will be able to land.
active fLyinG:
Active flying means flying in harmony with your paraglider. Anticipate the behaviour
of your skywalk CHILI3 in flight, especially in turbulent and thermal conditions and re-
act accordingly. In calm air, the necessary corrections will be minimal, but turbulence
demands permanent attention and the use of brakes and weight shift in the harness.
Good pilots have instinctive reactions. It is important that you always have direct con-
tact to the canopy by slight pressure on the brakes in order to feel the stored energy of
the glider. This way you will promptly detect a loss of pressure in your canopy and sub-
sequent collapse and will be able to react in time. The skywalk CHILI3 will only seldom
collapse without pilot reaction, but you can still reduce the possibility of a collapse by
flying actively.