if tHeSe ManOeuverS are nOt SucceSSfuL, Or if tHe PiLOt iS Over-
WHeLMed, tHe PiLOt SHOuLd tHrOW tHe reScue!
tHe ParacHutaL StaLL:
The CHILI3 at no time showed a tendency to stall during the entire development phase.
Despite this, it is possible to intentionally fly a parachutal stall. Gliders with porous
cloth are especially susceptible to stall (uV-radiation) or which have been towed fre-
quently and subjected to high loads (stretched A-lines). A parachutal stall can also oc-
cur if a paraglider is flown in the rain (soaked condition), or if the pilot exits B-stall too
slowly. The paraglider has no forward travel and increased sink rate at the same time.
The pilot can end the stable parachutal stall through use of the speed system or gen-
tle pushing of the A-riser to the level of the line locks. The skywalk CHILI3 normally ex-
its the parachutal stall on its own.
aS SOOn aS yOu aPPLy tHe brakeS durinG a ParacHutaL StaLL tHe
ParaGLider WiLL iMMediateLy enter a fuLL StaLL. if StiLL in a Para-
cHutaL StaLL cLOSe tO tHe GrOund dO nOt atteMPt tO recOver but
StraiGHten uP yOur POSitiOn in tHe HarneSS and PrePare fOr a
ParacHute LandinG rOLL.
In order to Full Stall your paraglider grasp both brake handles and pull strongly and
symmetrically until the airflow breaks away from the canopy. The canopy will drop
back. Despite this violent reaction keep the brakes fully depressed until the canopy sta-
bilises above your head. In a Full Stall the skywalk CHILI3 flies backwards and always
forms a forward facing semi-circle. In order to exit a full stall the pilot will have
to release the brakes slowly and symmetrically. (Recovery time >= 1 sec). The glider
opens and surges forward to pick up speed. Brake gently to dampen the forward surge
of the skywalk CHILI3 and to counteract a possible front tuck.