SIFA NOVA Guide Technique page 10

Table des Matières


Art.5) Controversie e Foro competente
Per ogni controversia inerente alla formazione,
validità, esecuzione ed interpretazione del presente
contratto sarà esclusivamente competente il Foro di
Pesaro, con espressa esclusione di ogni altro Foro.
Solo ad esso le parti si rivolgeranno e, qualora
parte acquirente sia attrice sostanziale, la relativa
iniziativa verrà subordinata al previo versamento
del dovuto, secondo la clausola solve et repete.
to property or third parties and that the above
warranty shall become ineffective in the event the
Purchaser fails to comply with one or more of its
obligations hereunder.
Art.5) Disputes and Jurisdiction
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with
the drawing-up, the validity, the performance or the
interpretation of this Agreement shall be submitted
to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Pesaro,
with the express exclusion of any other court. The
parties may refer exclusively to such court and,
should the Purchaser submit a demand for reimbur-
sement, the related legal action may only be pursued
subject to payment of any amounts due, pursuant to
the principle of ʻsolve et repeteʼ, according to which
one must first respect oneʼs obligation before one
can bring oneʼs claim for reimbursement.


Table des Matières

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Table des Matières