length of the line before replacing it. Compare with its counterpart on the opposite side
of your glider. After the exchange a line-check will be necessary. The best way to this is
by unfolding the glider on the ground!
General tips:
> When unfolding the paraglider insure that neither the canopy nor the lines become
Dirty as Dirt particles in the fibres can damage the material and lines.
> If the lines get tangled on the ground they may be over-stretched or break
> Do not step on the lines and/or canopy.
> Make sure that no sand, stones or snow get inside the canopy as the extra weight
collected in the trailing edge may slow down or even stall the glider.
> Sharp edges damage the canopy.
> Uncontrolled inflation attempts in strong winds may result in the glider impacting into
the ground at high speed. This can cause rips, damage on lines and/or fabric.
> Make sure not to land your canopy leading edge first as this may cause permanent
damage to this area of your paraglider.
> After landings in trees or on water you should check the length of the lines.
> After contact with salt water thoroughly rinse the equipment with fresh water!
According to DHV regulations your glider will have to undergo a maintenance
check after 24 months. According to these regulations the Two-Year-Check has to be
carried out by the manufacturer, its representative or by the owner himself.
The check will have to be confirmed by a DHV-stamp. Missing this deadline or
if the check is carried out by an unauthorised company will lead to immediate loss
of your skywalk ARRIBA2 model certification and all warranty and liability claims.
We recommend not doing this check yourself. Without the proper instruments and
specific knowledge the check will be insufficient and the airworthiness of your glider
cannot be guaranteed.
cHanGeS tO tHe paraGlider:
Your skywalk ARRIBA2 is manufactured within the regulated parameters of tolerance.
These parameters are very narrow and must not be altered under any circumstance.
Only this way the optimum balance between performance, handling and safety
can be guaranteed!
unautHOriSed cHanGeS cauSe an iMMediate expirat iOn Of tHe
OperatinG licenSe! any liability claiM tOWardS tHe Manufacturer
and itS dealerS iS excluded!
The official certification is the final polish. Our specifications included five sizes in the
LTF 09/ EN 926-2:B classification. These classifications correspond to the ability of the
pilot of the particular category. The many certification tests are the last hurdle in the
development of a skywalk paraglider. The certification test flights will only take place
when the test team is completely happy with the glider in question. We remark that the
certification results will differ during flight in thermic or turbulent air. The certification
solely informs about a paragliders performance in provoked extreme flight manoeuvres
during stable air conditions. The extreme flight maneuvers provoked during the
certification process should therefore be considered as individual factors in a complex
interrelation and should not be overvalued.