line SySteM
The lines of the ARRIBA2 have a very high level of strength with a very small diameter,
thanks to comprehensive testing. The line controls, as well as the effectivity of the
speed system, are important matters for us. Safety always remains in the foreground
during all of the considerations and calculations. For this reason, we have implemented
an elaborate combination of Liros Dyneema and Tecnora lines.
The skywalk ARRIBA2 is equipped with 3 A-, 3 B- as well as 3 C and 1 stabilo line.
The top lines of the last cells attach to the stabilo – main line, together with the stabilo
toplines, which lead Directly to the B-riser.
The brake lines are not load bearing and lead from the trailing edge of the wing over
the main brake line throught the brake pulley on the C-riser to the brake handle. There
is a mark on the main brake line where the brake handle is knotted. This adjustment
should not be altered, on one hand to assure adequate brake travel when landing and
on the other hand to avoid constant braking.
For better recognition, the A-lines and the A-riser are red and the stabilo line is pink.
The B-lines are yellow, the main brake line and the brake spider are orange and all other
lines are blue.
The line locks are triangular, a plastic insert prevents the lines from slipping.
The skywalk ARRIBA2 has five risers on each side.
> Both of the inner A-main lines lead to the A-riser, the outer A-lines lead to the rear
> The B-lines and the stabilo line lead to the B-riser.
> The outermost C-main line leads to the front C-riser and both of the inner C-main lines
lead to the rear C-riser.
An illustration of the risers can be found at the end.
iMpOrtant Safety WarninG:
flyinG a paraGlider reQuireS MaxiMuM cautiOn at all tiMeS.
be aWare tHat aS a paraGlidinG pilOt, yOu fly at yOur OWn riSk. aS a
pilOt yOu Have tO Guarantee tHe airWOrtHineSS Of yOur paraGlider
befOre every SinGle fliGHt.
don't use your skywalk arriba2 :
> You are outside of the certified launch weight.
> With any engine
> In rainy, snowy and extremely turbulent weather conditions or high winds
> In fog or clouds
> With insufficient experience or training
> With a motor, unless there is certification from DULV or motorgliding association
Every pilot is responsible for their own safety and must ensure that their aircraft
(paraglider) has been checked and serviced for its airworthiness before flying.
You can only fly your skywalk ARRIBA2 with a valid flying license and in accordance
with local rules and regulations. During the production of your skywalk ARRIBA2, the
glider has passed multiple quality controls. More spot checks were performed before
delivery to the dealer.