5: PREV .................................... Shows the previous page.
6: MIDI CH .................. [1...16] Specifies the MIDI channel for each
7: TYPE ............... [CC, NOTE] Specifies the MIDI message for each
8: BEHAVIOR .. [TOG, MOM] Specifies the operation mode for each
Here you can specify the MIDI control messages that are transmitted when
you operate the touch pad.
You can separately specify messages for the X-axis, Y-axis, and touch.
1: NEXT .................................... Shows the next page.
2: NO. ......................... [0...127] Assigns a control change message to each
3:MIN ......................... [0...127] For X and Y, this specifies the minimum
CC : A MIDI control change message will be
transmitted when you operate the switch.
NOTE: A MIDI note message will be transmitted
when you operate the switch. When you
turn the switch on, a note-on message
with the maximum velocity will be trans-
mitted. When you turn the switch off, a
note-off message will be transmitted.
TOG: Toggle operation. Each time you press the
switch, it will alternately turn on or off.
MOM: Momentary operation. The switch will be
on only while you are holding down it
down, and will turn off when you release it.
value of the control change message for
each controller.
TOUCH specifies the control change value
that will be transmitted when Off occurs. If
you've selected "NOTE" as the type, this is
fixed at note-off.
4:MAX ........................ [0...127] For X and Y, this specifies the maximum
value of the control change message for
each controller.
TOUCH specifies the control change value
that will be transmitted when Off occurs. If
you've selected "NOTE" as the type, this
specifies the note-on velocity value.
5: PREV .................................... Shows the previous page.
6: MIDI CH .................. [1...16] Specifies the MIDI channel of the touch
panel. The MIDI channel you specify here
is used for the X-axis, Y-axis, and Touch.
7: TYPE ............... [CC, NOTE] (Shown only for TOUCH) Specifies the
MIDI message for Touch.
CC: A MIDI control change will be transmit-
ted when you touch the pad.
NOTE: A MIDI note-on message will be transmit-
ted when you touch the pad. When you
touch the panel, a note-on message with
the maximum velocity will be transmit-
ted. When you release the panel, a note-
off message will be transmitted.
8: BEHAVIOR .. [TOG, MOM] (Shown only for TOUCH) Specifies the
operation mode for Touch.
TOG: Each time you touch the pad, the On and
Off states will alternate.
MOM: The On message will be transmitted
when you touch the panel, and the Off
message will be transmitted when you re-
lease it.