3: Touch effect 3 (eight-pad type)
This is a eight-pad type effect program page that you can control by press-
ing the eight pads shown in the touch area in the lower part of the page. By
pressing the desired Beat setting of the LOOP DELAY effect, you can in-
stantly switch the delay time's beat value.
4: Touch effect 4 (touch pad type)
This is a touch-pad type effect program page in which the entire page is a
touch area. Different effect parameters can be assigned to the X-axis and Y-
axis, allowing you to control two parameters simultaneously with a single
5: Knob control effect
This is an effect program page that does not use touch pad operations. You
can control up to six effect parameters assigned to the push-knobs by turn-
ing the corresponding knob.
Operating the effects
Operating the touch effect types
In touch effect pages 2–4, you can turn the HOLD button on (LED lit) to
maintain the current state of the effect.
HOLD on (LED lit): Hold will be enabled for the touch effect.
When you take your finger off the touch pad, the effect will remain in the
state in which you had last been touching the pad.
HOLD off (LED dark): Hold will be disabled for the touch effect.
When you take your finger off the touch pad, the effect sound will be com-
pletely "dry."
Operating the knobs for each effect type
1. For touch effect types 1–4, you can use the knobs to per-
form the following operations.
Knob 1: Selects the effect program
Knob 4: Selects the effect channel when using a channel effect
Knobs 5–8: Edit the effect parameters (the parameters that can be ed-
ited will depend on the effect program)
2. For knob control effect type 5, you can use the knobs to
perform the following operations.
Knob 1: Selects the effect program
Knob 2: Selects the effect channel when using a channel effect
Knobs 3–8: Edit the effect parameters (the parameters that can be ed-
ited will depend on the effect program)