ge the limiters. (The top cover should pull
up without any resistance);
– Remove front panel (2, fig E ).
Lift the heater out of the expanded polysty-
rene pieces (12) and lay the heater down
on the expanded polystyrene packaging
pieces (13). Remove screws at the bottom
of the front panel.
Remove front panel by spreading the sides
and pulling the panel forward (a little force
may be necessary) ;
– Detach the inner front panel (3) after re-
moving the screws. (fig F ) ;
– Take out the cardboard heating element
support boards. These also contain the heater
– Fix the support feet (6) to the unit. (fig G) .
To do this, insert the foot with both guide
fillets into the cut-outs in the base of the
heater (open side to the front), push back-
wards and press in at the front;
– (only for types ETC 170/250/340 A)
The sensor holder (15) which is placed at
the lower back of the heater must be ca-
refully moved out of its transport position
(fig H).
– Guide the electricity supply cable through
the lower rear side of the heater and con-
nect it according to Point 2.5 (fig I );
– If the skirting board obstructs the installati-
on of the heater the wall-bracket (16) can
be adjusted as follows: J .
• Remove the screws left and right of bra-
• Pull bracket 13 mm backwards, (to the
rear hole) and fix screws again.
– Place the heater in the final position where
it is to be installed. Ensure that the feet are
flat with the floor surface and correctly
aligned. Mark on the wall the position of the
fixing screws through the vertical fixing slots
of the rear panel. (fig K ).
The mark should be made in the centre of
the slot as the heater will settle when the
bricks are fitted. For this reason the screws
should only be tightened after the bricks
have been installed.
The horizontal drilling holes and fi-
xings should only be made after the
bricks have been installed.
During the fixing of the unit, rotate
the discharge control knob (10) to
the left hand stop (position for transporta-
2.4.2 Inserting the heat storage
The heat storage bricks are supplied separa-
tely packed.
Heat storage bricks with slight transportation
damage can still be used. The performance of
the heater will not affected by this.
– The inner chamber must be completely free
of debris, e.g. packaging remnants etc.;
– Gently tip and pull the heating element (5)
forwards, and insert the rear heat storage
bricks (4).
Align the first brick to the right hand, rear
position.(fig L ) ;
– Re-align the heating elements to their cor-
rect position and push them into the groo-
ves of the rear heat storage bricks;
– Insert the front heat storage bricks in a si-
milar way to the rear ones (heating element
grooves should face inwards), the inner
chamber must be completely filled with
heat storage bricks. (fig M ) .
In this process, take care that the front heat
storage bricks do not protrude beyond the
edge of the lower thermal insulation boards;
– Insert the inner front panel (3) (fig N ) .
First locate this behind the lower lip of the
inner housing (inclining it slightly forwards
will make it easier), click on at the top, and
screw it on tightly.
2.4.3 Closing the heater
Remember to use the screws with
the shake-proof washers.
– Tighten the fixings screws in the vertical slo-
ts and if necessary use the horizontal slots
where additional support is required;
– Turn regulator spindles for charging and
discharge regulators to the left hand stop;
– Install front panel (2). (fig O)
Place the front panel with the left hand
edge onto the inner housing, then push
the right hand side of the front panel over
the fillets on the inner housing and screw
on the front panel again (The top screws
on the side panel have the shake-proof
– Remove the control knobs (10, 11) in the
top cover by pressing together the snap-in
hooks on the knobs (fig P ) ;
– Reinstall the cover reversing the procedure
used to remove it (fig Q) (The screws at
the top left and top right have shake-proof
Wiring diagram ETC:
ETC 85 M
1/N/PE AC220V-240V 50/60Hz
F1 charge control
F2 self resetting thermal cut-out
F3 non-self-resetting thermal cut-out
E1 to E4 heating elements
washers), then press the control knobs into
the top cover from the front (to align them
properly, turn each knob fully clock wise
and then fully anti-clockwise).(fig R ) .
2.5 Electrical connection
The heater must only be connected to an AC
220-240 V 50/60 Hz supply.
The electrical connection cable must be fixed
with a cable clamp and be connected to the
terminal block in accordance with the wiring
diagram in this manual (see below).
The heater must be connected using a
permanently fixed wiring connection.
2.5.1 Cable sizes
The size of the connection cable is dependent
– the connected electrical loading of the heater;
– the requirements of the electricity supply
The specific regional regulations, e.g. I.E.E.
Regualtions that may be applicable.
2.6 First operation of the heater
2.6.1 Safety test
The following tests should be carried out by
the installer:
– Insulation test using a minimum voltage of
500V (hand-driven generator / insulation
resistance min. 0.5 MΩ);
– Measurement of the rated power con-
sumption (alternatively an initial resistance
measurement can be carried out).
2.6.2 First charge
When the heater is first charged, both control
knobs should be set to position „6". This set-
ting should maintained for 48 hours.
ETC 170 M; ETC 170 A --> E1+E2
ETC 250 M; ETC 250 A --> E1+E2+E3
ETC 340 M; ETC 340 A --> E1+E2+E3+E4
1/N/PE AC220V-240V 50/60Hz