Alarm messages
The ECOLITE controller generates the alarm mes-
sages described in the following sections:
Alarm 03 – Fault ambient temperature sensor
The measured values of the temperature sensor are
outside the permitted measuring range. The fault 03 is
entered in the alarm list. The fault message relay
switches to "fault". The ECOLITE controller uses the
parameter SP2 as condensing pressure set point for
further operation. If valid values are provided for more
than 30 minutes thereafter, the fault message is reset.
Alarm 04 – Fault of cold store temperature sensor
The measured values of the temperature sensor are
outside the permitted measuring range. The fault 04 is
entered in the alarm list. The fault message relay
switches to "fault". The liquid solenoid valve is closed. If
valid values are provided for more than 30 minutes, the
fault message is cancelled. The condensing unit starts
operating again.
Alarm 05 – Fault of discharge gas temperature sensor
The measured values of the temperature sensor are
outside the permitted measuring range. The fault 05 is
entered in the alarm list. The fault message relay
switches to "fault". The liquid solenoid valve is closed
and the compressor is switched off. If valid values are
provided for more than 30 minutes, the fault message
is cancelled. The liquid solenoid valve opens and the
compressor starts operating again.
Alarm 06 – Safety chain compressor triggered
A triggered element of the compressor safety chain has
been detected. The high pressure switch, the low pres-
sure switch, the motor protection device and, if neces-
sary, the oil level monitoring OLC-K1 are incorporated
in the safety chain. The compressor is switched off.
The liquid solenoid valve is closed. The fault 06 is
entered in the alarm list. The fault message relay
switches to "fault". The high or low pressure switches
are automatically reset. The motor protection device or
the oil level monitoring OLC-K1 are unlocked by inter-
rupting the supply voltage of the condensing unit. The
compressor will start running approx. 20 – 30 minutes
after unlocking.
Alarm 07 – Application limit exceeded – discharge gas
The temperature limit value (parameter dtA) was ex-
ceeded for more than the set duration (parameter dtt).
The compressor is switched off. The liquid solenoid
valve is closed. The fault 07 is entered in the alarm list.
The fault message relay switches to "fault". The com-
pressor will start running approx. 20 – 30 minutes after
Alarm 16 – Application limit exceeded – high pressure
The condensing pressure measured by the ECOLITE
controller is too high. The limit value (parameter dHA)
has been exceeded. The compressor stops. The liquid
solenoid valve is closed. The fault 16 is entered in the
alarm list. The fault message relay switches to "fault".
The compressor will start running approx. 20 – 30
minutes after unlocking.
Alarm 17 – Fault of suction gas temperature sensor
The measured values of the temperature sensor are
outside the permitted measuring range. The fault 17 is
entered in the alarm list. The alarm deactivates the
monitoring of the minimum and maximum suction gas
superheat. The compressor continues to run. If valid
values are provided for more than 30 minutes there-
after, the fault message is cancelled.
Alarm 18 – Application limit exceeded – suction gas
superheat low
The ECOLITE controller determines the difference
between the intake temperature and the saturation tem-
perature of the suction pressure. If the superheat (para-
meter Olt) falls below the minimum value longer than
the set duration (parameter OAd), the alarm 18 is
entered in the alarm list. The compressor continues to
Alarm 19 – Application limit exceeded – suction gas
superheat low
The ECOLITE controller determines the difference
between the intake temperature and the saturation tem-
perature of the suction pressure. If the minimum super-
heat (parameter Olt) is exceeded longer than the set
duration (parameter OAd), the alarm 19 is entered in
the alarm list. The compressor continues to run.