We recommend that you test-fly the model on a day with little or no wind. A large,
grassy field, sloping gently into wind, forms the ideal flying site. Assemble the model
completely, and set all the control surfaces to centre.
Switch the motor on, and give the aeroplane a firm hand-launch directly into
any breeze; trotting forward for a few paces gives the correct launch speed.
Keep the model flying straight ahead with minimal rudder commands. If the model
tends to turn by itself, adjust the trim sliders below and adjacent to the transmitter
sticks. Move the sticks gently and smoothly initially, and keep the model flying
straight or in broad turns.
Important: initial brief application of rudder initiates a turn (the model banks);
the rudder stick should then be centred again. Holding the rudder "on" for a
long period will eventually cause the aircraft to fall into a spiral dive. Always
land the machine on the glide (motor stopped), heading exactly into wind. Reduce
the model's airspeed just before touch-down by progressively applying up-elevator.
Always land straight into any wind.
All of us at Graupner Modellbau hope you have many fine flights with your new >