Struers ProntoPress-20 Mode D'emploi page 198

Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles

Les langues disponibles

Heating/Cooling Curve
Conventional Press
bled as two mounts can be pro-
duced at the same time.
Easy exchange-six mount sizes
The complete mounting unit can
be exchanged in seconds, al low ing
for easy and fast changes in mount
sizes. Six different cylinder di am e ters
are available.
Perfect Mounting with APC
Struers Advanced Process
Control takes care of all
necessary adjustments
For thermoplastic resins, preheat-
ing without or at low pres sure will
pro duce better results than other-
wise ob tain a ble. On the new Stru-
ers press es, both preheating time,
tem per a ture and pres sure can be
ad just ed to ac com mo date spe cifi c
re quire ments.
Controlled process
For maximum reproducibility the
timer can be set to start when the
Energy Consumption
Time (min)
pre-set temperature is reached. This
makes the complete mount ing cycle
more controlled and re pro duc i ble as
it eliminates the in fl u ence of the initial
mounting unit tem per a ture.
Pressure or Force
With the ProntoPresses, it is pos-
si ble for the fi rst time to set and
ad just the pressure, instead of the
force, exerted on the mount itself. If
the cylinder diameter is changed, the
press will automatically re cal cu late
the force necessary to ob tain the
correct pressure. Thus pro duc ing
every mount similarly, without the
need for intermediate readjustments.
Controlled cooling,
saving of water
Tests have shown that con ven tion al
cooling, where water is sup plied at
a maximum rate, uses far more than
necessary. Also, dif fer ent resins re-
quire different cooling gradients, i.e.
thermoplastic resins need far longer
cooling times than thermosetting
Water Consumption
ProntoPress (Economy
With ProntoPress, however, three
different rates of cooling are avail-
a ble, enabling the cooling rate to be
more accurately set for different res-
ins. Instead of reducing the amount
of water by manually ad just ing the
fl ow at the source, the Pronto-
Presses have pre pro grammed levels
delivering pulses of cooling water at
set intervals.
This results in almost the same cool-
ing rate as a constant fl ow of water,
whilst at the same time re duc ing the
amount of water used by up to 80%.
Setting your own user interface
Due to the advanced software it
is very easy to change the screen
prompts, choosing between four of
the major languages.
Also physical units can be dis played
according to your normal usage. Do
you prefer to display the para meters
as pressure (psi, bar, MPa) or force
(Lbf, kp, kN)?
Are you used to expressing tem-
Prontopress-20 with
its two cylinders is
indispensable when
mounting large series
of samples in different


Table des Matières

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Table des Matières