Make sure that the place were the machine is used and its im-
mediate surroundings are sufficiently brighty illuminated.
Operate the machine only when it is connected to a power supply
source that is adequate for the power supply requirements posed
by the electrical facing tool and the electrical heating element.
Intended Use
The use the product is intended for is described at the beginning of
Sect. 1.
Any other use is deemed unintended, and any such use will void any
and all warranty and liability assumed by the manufacturer for the
product, including for consequential damage.
Machine Description
Component Overview
Manual Facing Tool - EasyWeld 110
Two-edge Reversible Blade
Facing Tool
Arm Handle
Knob for Horizontal
Knob for Securing to Lower Rod
HÜRNER EasyWeld 110 (T) User's Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i ß t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Deutschland
Horizontal Adjustment
Vertical Adjustment
(optional with EasyWeld 110,
supplied with EasyWeld 110 T)
Angle Scale
Upper Rod for Securing the
Facing Tool/Heating Element
Force Indicator
Lower Rod for Securing the
Facing Tool/Heating Element
Hand Wheel for
Moving the Carriage
Manual Facing Tool - EasyWeld 110 T
Version September 2016