Do not put your hand into the operating area of the facing
tool while facing is in progress and — when using the power
facing tool — remove shavings only after the facing tool stops.
Checking Component Alignment
After facing, verify that the alignment of the components is correct
and that any gap is within tolerance. Re-clamp them if needed.
A horizontal alignment offset can be compensated for by the hori-
zontally adjustable fixed clamp of the machine (loosen knob, move
clamp, retighten fastening knob). Vertical offset can be compensated
for analogously at the movable clamp, if the machine features the
vertical adjustability. To do this, adjust the clamp along the incline
and tighten the screw to secure it (see figure to the right for refer-
ence; vertical adjustability supplied with EasyWeld 110 T, optional
with EasyWeld 110).
Checking aligment for the second joint when making a tee
When checking horizontal alignment prior to the second joint for a
tee, be sure that the third component exhibits a minimal offset towards
the welder (see figure to the right for reference).
Bead Build-up Stage
Insert the hot heating element between the two components to be
jointed and close both of them in on it using the hand wheel.
Joints at an angle of up to 45 deg. are possible with the heating ele-
ment in its standard position. Too make tees, the heating element has
to be moved to the tee position. Tools required to do this are supplied
with the machine.
During the bead build-up, the force F
to be looked up in the tables in the appendix. In case of joints at an
angle, instead of F use the computed force F
paragraph at the end of Sect. 5.1).
Continue turning the hand wheel until the force indicator on the
right-hand side of the machine indicates the force level valid for F
The bead build-up stage is completed when the weld bead that is
forming reaches the height indicated in the tables in the appendix.
Heating Stage
At the end of the bead build-up stage, the force must be reduced to
, as previously looked up in the appendix. To do this, turn the hand
wheel in the opposite direction. In case of joints at an angle, in-
stead of F use the computed force F
at the end of Sect. 5.1).
The force thus set has to be constantly applied in the heating stage. The
heating stage is completed after the duration that is indicated for t
the appendix.
Despite the reduced force, the contact of the components
and the heating element must be ensured throughout this
stage. It must not be lost anywhere on the compoment cir-
cumference. If so, abort and repeat the welding operation.
has to be applied. This force has
(see "Important"
(see "Important" paragraph
HÜRNER EasyWeld 110 (T) User's Manual
H Ü R N E R S c h w e i ß t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Deutschland
Incline with securing screw
to compensate for vertical
alignment offset
(optional with EasyWeld 110,
supplied with EasyWeld 110 T)
Heating element of Easy-
Weld 110 T in standard
position (0 - 22.5 deg.)
Heating element of Easy-
Weld 110 T in tee position
(for welding tee joints)
Version September 2016