Gas Engine Only
Install the correct O-ring from the fuel fi ller kit on the plug. Guide the
fi ll line from the tank through the fi tting. Fit the plug to the fuel line.
Gas Engine Only
Slide the plug into position.
Remove the forward rigging from the landing gear. Fit the cowling to
the fuselage. The cowl will fi t on the outside of the cowl sides. Make
sure the drive washer fi ts through the cowling. Use a rotary tool and
sanding drum to enlarge the opening in the cowl if necessary.
Mark the location of the landing gear on the cowl using a felt-tipped
Use hobby scissors and/or a rotary tool with a sanding drum to
remove the material necessary to clear the landing gear and rigging.
Fokker D.VII 30–60cc ARF
10. Remove a 2 x 4-inch (51mm x 102mm) section from the bottom
of the cowl in front of the fi rewall to allow air to pass through the
cowling to cool the engine (motor and ESC).
11. Use card stock and low-tack tape to locate the position of the cowl
mounting screws on the fuselage.
12. Make sure to mark the location of the screws on the bottom of the
13. With the cowling in place and fully on the fuselage, use the card
stock to mark the locations for the cowl mounting screws.
14. Remove the cowl and drill the holes using a pin vise and 1/8-inch
(3mm) drill bit.