11. Remove any lines from the stabilizer using a paper towel and
isopropyl alcohol.
12. Use a covering iron to seal the covering to the stabilizer.
13. Check that the bottom of the stabilizer is smooth and level. If not,
use low-tack tape to protect the covering, then use a sanding bar to
sand the bottom of the stabilizer. Remove the tape and check that
the covering is still secured to the stabilizer.
14. Mix 20g of 30-minute epoxy. Use an epoxy brush to apply epoxy to
the exposed wood on the bottom of the stabilizer.
We strongly suggest 30-minute epoxy for this task to allow time to
properly install and align the stabilizer to the fuselage and wings.
15. Apply epoxy to the exposed wood on the top of the fuselage.
16. Fit the stabilizer into position. Remove any epoxy from the fuselage
and stabilizer using a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol. There will
be excess epoxy, so use a few paper towels to properly remove it
from the outside of the model.
17. Use low-tack tape to hold the stabilizer in position while the epoxy
cures. Check the alignment periodically during the curing process.