After Training
After training, you should always perform a few stretching exercises in order to slowly
restore your circulation to a normal level. You will fi nd a few example exercises below.
You will need the tube resistance band for this
1. Sit down on an exercise mat or similar. Put
the centre of the rubber band around your
feet. Hold the handles with both hands, sit
upright and tense your arms.
2. Pull both hands towards your body with
your arms at the side of your upper body.
Tense your entire body in the process.
3. Relax your arms again and repeat the ex-
You will need the tube resistance band for this
1. Lay down with your back on an exercise
mat or similar. Put the centre of the rubber
band around your feet. Hold the handles
with both hands.
2. Lay your arms straight next to your body
and extend your legs. Tense your entire
body in the process.
3. Relax your legs again and repeat the exer-
Upper body: Stand upright, cross your arms over your head
and pull your left elbow to the right with your right hand. The
upper body moves gently as you do this. Stay in this position
for around 15 – 20 seconds. Change sides.
Calves: Stand up. Place your right leg in front of you and bend
it slightly while your left leg remains stretched. Push your left
heel down onto the fl oor. Stay in this position for around 15 –
20 seconds. Change sides.
Front of thighs: Stand on one leg, bend the other one and grab
your foot with your hand. Pull it up to your buttocks and hold
this position for approx. 5 – 20 seconds. Change sides.