Programming the Speed Controller
The speed controller is already perfectly adjusted to the motor ex works. For
this reason, we recommend that the ex-works programming not be changed.
Programming takes place via sound signals generated by brief triggering of
the motor rather than a speaker.
a) Setting Options of the Speed Controller
Note on function #1, driving mode
This is where you determine driving mode. Forward = forward driving only; forward/re-
verse = forward and reverse driving possible. Switching from forwards to reverse driving
does not happen at once, but with a break firmly specified in the speed controller, to
protect the motor or drive train and the battery.
However, when switching from reverse to forward driving, the rotating direction of the
motor is switched immediately. This control type is not recommended, since the motor
or drive train is not protected and the strain on the rechargeable batteries is increased
as well. Therefore, do not start forward driving immediately after reversing, but after a
short break (briefly leave the throttle lever in the neutral position).
Note on function #2, number of battery cells
Use this to specify whether the cell number of the rechargeable battery is to be recog-
nised automatically, or selected manually.
If you use NiCd or NiMH batteries for operation of the model, programme the speed
controller to „automatic". Initialisation of the speed controller (if connecting the driving
battery) emits a control sound for the selected setting.
If using a LiPo drive battery, you can also chose the setting „Automatic". In this case, the
speed controller automatically recognises the number of LiPo cells of the drive battery.
However, this poses the danger that batteries not charged completely are recognised
incorrectly. In this case, the speed controller may recognise a battery with one cell less.
This would lead to incorrect values for undervoltage recognition and the connected re-
chargeable battery would be deep discharged and therefore destroyed.
Therefore, we recommend programming the actual number of cells when using LiPo
batteries. If you choose, e.g., a LiPo battery with three cells, three signal sounds are
emitted when initialising the speed controller (when connecting the drive battery) for
the selected setting.