WARNING: In the event that your dog has a wet fur, use a lower level of the stimulation
impulse than you usually use.
It is important to keep the device clean. Never use volatile substances eg.: thinner, gasoline or
other cleaners. To clean your d-control easy use a soft, damp cloth and neutral detergent if
The receiver (collar) is waterproof only on condition of the good state of the seal. We
recommend you to replace the rubber seal, which is placed under the cover of the battery
compartment of the receiver, once a year. Clean the rubber seal and make sure that the rubber
seal is correctly seated in its groove every time you change the batteries; tighten the screws using
adequate power.
If the device is not used for a longer time, take out the batteries from the battery compartment.
Before you start considering your unit to be faulty:
Read out this Service Instruction manual once again and make sure that the problem is not
caused by weak batteries or by incorrect application.
Check to see if the batteries are positioned correctly with regard to their polarity.
If a problem persists, try to initialize the system by removing the battery from the battery
holders in the receiver, then use a metal tool (e.g. a screwdriver, scissors, etc.) and short-circuit
both contacts – battery holders for about 2 seconds. Reinstall the battery. The unit emits a beep
confirming that the battery is installed with correct polarity.
Unless this helps, program your receiver again. Clear the previous code in the memory and then
match your receiver with the remote controller according to instructions in this manual.
If the problem persists, contact your supplier.