The electronic training collar Dogtrace d-control easy mini, consisting of the transmitter and the
receiver, it is a modern, safe, reliable, and effective training tool. With the d-control training collar
you can make corrections that are suited to your dog's temperament and the distraction level of
the moment, at the proper time, for maximum training efficiency. However, correcting to stop
unwanted behaviour is only a small part of what you can do with the d-control. More importantly,
the it is a powerful tool for encouraging desired behaviour.
It is possible to easily adjust the intensity of the stimulation. Its control is very simple; there are six
different stimulation levels and an audible beep tone available.
Transmitter with belt clip
Reciver with the strap
2 pairs of contact points (12 mm and 17 mm)
2 lithium batteries CR2 3V
Test discharge lamp
User guide and certificate of warranty
Spare rubber seal for the receiver
Spare screws
Spare contact points (12, 17, 21 mm)
Dummy receiver (with the strap)
Spare batteries
Woven collars - various colours