If you hold your remote controller in front of you with your hand reached out, the range will get
Before using your training set, always check the batteries in the remote controller and in the
collar and replace them if necessary.
The power of batteries slightly falls down at temperatures below 0 °C. If it is possible, keep your
remote controller warm (e.g. in your pocket) and take it out only for use.
Every package contains readily two kinds of contact point. If your dog is small and its fur is short,
use short contact points. If your dog is of medium built, with longer fur, use long contact points.
The strap of the collar must be adjusted so that the contact points are in contact with the dog's
skin. When the strap is too slack, the collar is likely to move and the repeated fiction may irritate
your dog's skin. Moreover, in this case the contact with the skin surface is not reliable and the
same holds true for proper operation of the collar. We do not recommend to leave your dog
wearing the collar for several hours in the same place as it might cause skin irritation. If it is
necessary for your dog to wear the collar for a long time, change its position on your dog's neck.
TIP: If you attach the receiver on your dog's neck laterally, you will extend the range of
transmission. If your dog has very long hair, you can order 21 mm long contact points. When
your dog has a dry skin in the area where the contact points are, it is good to lubricate the
dog's skin with a vaseline, hand cream, or baby oil - which enables a correct transfer of
stimulation impulses.