Intended purpose
Thanks to its shape and cushioning,
combined with a pad, the JuzoPro Epi
epicondylitis brace relieves the origin of the
hand extensor and flexor muscles at the ulnar
or radial epicondyle using compression.
How to put on the product correctly:
1. Open both straps and position the brace
on the forearm so that the pad on the
inside lies directly on the Hand Extensor
or flexor muscles. The position of the
pad can be changed to suit individual
preference. Its tip, however, must Always
point towards the elbow. The orthosis
should now be surrounding the forearm,
opening pointing inwards, about 5 – 6 cm
away from the tip of the elbow.
2. Now position the orthosis by closing the
lower strap.
3. The second strap can now be closed.
4. The brace is positioned correctly if you
can hardly feel it when your arm is at rest
and noticeable compression is exerted in
the forearm as soon as force is applied,
without exerting excess (painful) pressure
or constricting.
You can re-adjust the brace at any time by
repeating Steps 2 and 3.
Please note:
Only wear your orthosis when prescribed
by your physician. Medical aids should only
be dispensed by suitably trained staff of a
medical products supplier. The orthosis can
only be fully effective when it has been put
on correctly and is being worn in accordance
with treatment recommendations. The
orthosis is largely resistant to oils, ointments,
skin moisture and other environmental
influences. The durability of the material may
be affected by certain combinations of the
above. We therefore recommend that it gets
examined regularly by the medical products
supplier. Should the product become dam-
aged, please consult your specialist supplier.
Do not repair the orthosis yourself – this
could compromise its quality and medical
efficacy. For hygienic reasons, the orthosis
is not suitable for treating more than one
patient. The sewn-in textile label is important
for the identification and traceability of the
product. We therefore ask you not to remove
the label under any circumstances.
Washing and care instructions
Please follow the care instructions on the
textile label on your orthosis. Detach the
pressure pad and padding from the orthosis
body (velcro fastener) and wipe the body of
the orthosis with a moist cloth. Handwash
the pads and padding with laundry detergen
for delicate fabrics every day or between
uses at approx. 30° C. We recommend using
the mild Juzo Special Detergent for this.
Afterwards please rinse all parts well and
allow them to dry at room temperature using
a clothing rack. To reduce drying time, place
the padding in a thick towel before hanging
them up, roll them up firmly, and squeeze
tightly. Do not leave them rolled up in the
towel and do not place on a heater or in
the sun to dry. The orthosis is not suitable
for tumble drying. Please do not attach the
pressure pad to the orthosis until all the
components are fully dry. This product must
not be dry cleaned.
Material composition
Details are provided on the label on your
Storage information and usage
Store in a dry place and protect from
sunlight. The medical retailer or doctor pre-